Budgets and spending
Our annual budget
Councillors are required to approve an annual budget and Council Tax by 11 March each year. The budget is an annual plan of the business activities of the council.
Statement of accounts
Medium term financial strategy
The medium term financial strategy sets out our strategic approach to the management of our finances and presents indicative budgets and Council Tax levels for the medium term. It covers the general fund revenue account and the capital programme, and includes grant funded projects. There are a number of assumptions made within this plan that are regularly reappraised and updated, and this is formally approved as part of the Council Tax and budget setting process.
Read our Medium Term Financial Strategy 2016/17 to 2019/20.
Invoices over £500
View a list of invoices over £500.
Fees for services
View a list of all fees for our services.
Senior management salaries
View the salaries of all senior managers at the council.
View information about allowances we provide: