Website statistics: 2015
Month | Pages viewed | Unique visitors |
January | 343577 | 21591 |
February | 274350 | 20611 |
March | 306656 | 23881 |
April | 323601 | 23425 |
May | 410022 | 28694 |
June | 413971 | 25952 |
July | 536997 | 30508 |
August | 422604 | 28684 |
September | 331948 | 24020 |
October | 372649 | 24384 |
November | 303873 | 24316 |
December | 352806 | 25751 |
What the statistics mean
Pages viewed: This is the total number of pages viewed on the website. If someone goes to a page more than once during the same visit to the website this will be counted again in the statistics.
Unique visitors: This shows the number of visitors to the website during this month. Someone that has already visited the website in this month is not counted again.