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You searched for planning

Results 1 – 196 of about 196.

  • View and comment on planning applications

    View and comment on planning applications, appeals and decisions in Harborough. ...
  • Apply for planning permission

    Make a planning application in Harborough. ...
  • Equality Analyses (Equality Impact Assessments)
  • Obtain a site’s planning history

    Advice on how to obtain a site's planning history ...
  • When planning permission is needed

    Find out if you need planning permission for development of your property. ...
  • Planning forms

    You can apply for planning permission via the Planning Portal website or alternatively, you can submit your planning application in paper form. ...
  • Enforcing planning rules
  • Enforcing planning rules

    How we make sure buildings meet planning rules. ...
  • The Planning Process

    stages of the planning process, planning process explained ...
  • Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document Public Consultation Statement
  • Development Management Supplementary Planning Document

    This edition of Harborough District Council's Development Management Supplementary Planning Document (DM SPD), adopted December 2021, supersedes all previous Supplementary Planning Guidance notes. ...
  • Neighbourhood Planning

    Neighbourhood planning is a way for communities to help decide the future of the places where they live and work. ...
  • Emergency Planning

    Information and guidance on emergency planning. ...
  • Planning Obligations

    planning obligations ...
  • Gartree Prison Appeal Inquiry: Core Documents Section E: Appellant Proofs of Evidence and Documents Submitted Prior to the Inquiry

    Section E 'Appellant Proofs of Evidence and Documents Submitted Prior to the Inquiry' of the Core Documents for the planning appeal at Land to the ...
  • Decisions on planning applications

    Read how decisions are taken on planning applications. ...
  • Types of planning applications

    There are four main types of planning permission: Full Application, Householder Application, Outline Application and Reserved Matters Application ...
  • Planning policy background documents

    Useful planning policy documents, such as the Brownfield Land Register, the Local Development Scheme, Self-Build, the Statement of Community Involvement and recent Conservation Area updates. ...
  • Great Glen Neighbourhood Plan
  • Gartree Prison Appeal Inquiry: Core Documents Section G: GA Proofs of Evidence and Documents Submitted Prior to the Inquiry

    Section G (GA Proofs of Evidence and Documents Submitted Prior to the Inquiry) of the Core Documents for the planning appeal at Land to the ...
  • Information on the requirements for planning applications in the Harborough area
  • Funding from building projects

    The Community Grant Fund is an inclusive fund, open to voluntary and community groups. ...
  • Gartree Prison Appeal Inquiry: Core Documents Section B: Consultation Responses

    Section B (Consultation Responses) of the Core Documents for the planning appeal at Land to the South of HMP Gartree ...
  • Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031 - Inspector's Report of Recommendations
  • Planning Enforcement Register of issued notices

    Planning Enforcement Register of notices issued by Harborough District Council. ...
  • Neighbourhood Planning toolkit

    Advice and guidance on creating a Neighbourhood Plan. ...
  • Privacy Notices

    Service Specific Privacy Notices. These notices will be reviewed on a regular basis. ...
  • Annual Parish Liaison Meeting 2016/2017

    Presentations from the Annual Parish Liaison Meeting 2016/2017 held at Kibworth School ...
  • Gartree Prison Appeal Inquiry: Core Documents Section F: LPA Proofs of Evidence and Documents Submitted Prior to the Inquiry

    Section F (LPA Proofs of Evidence and Documents Submitted Prior to the Inquiry) of the Core Documents for the planning appeal at Land to the ...
  • Gartree Prison Appeal Inquiry: Core Documents Section G: GA Proofs of Evidence and Documents Submitted Prior to the Inquiry

    Section G (GA Proofs of Evidence and Documents Submitted Prior to the Inquiry) of the Core Documents for the planning appeal at Land to the ...
  • Gartree Prison Appeal Inquiry: Core Documents Section A: Planning Application Documents

    Section A (Planning Application Documents) of the Core Documents for the planning appeal at Land to the South of HMP Gartree ...
  • Planning Obligations SPD 2022
  • Our role in shaping and protecting district

    Harborough District Council's role as a planning authority in shaping and protecting district ...
  • Section 106

    Find out more information about Section 106, the available Planning and Community funds, how to apply for funding and useful links to more resources. ...
  • Adoption Statement

    Planning obligations, SPD, adoption statement ...
  • Neighbourhood Planning toolkit

    Advice and guidance on creating a Neighbourhood Plan. ...
  • Information on the requirements for planning applications in the Harborough area
  • EXAM13 - BE2 PCR - Hybrid Application to extend Magna Park
  • Gartree Prison Appeal Inquiry: Core Documents Section F: LPA Proofs of Evidence and Documents Submitted Prior to the Inquiry

    Section F (LPA Proofs of Evidence and Documents Submitted Prior to the Inquiry) of the Core Documents for the planning appeal at Land to the ...
  • Broughton Astley Neighbourhood Plan
  • Houghton on the Hill Neighbourhood Plan
  • Tugby and Keythorpe Neighbourhood Plan
  • Great Glen Neighbourhood Plan Review 2019

    Great Glen Neighbourhood Plan Review ...
  • Medbourne Neighbourhood Plan

    Medbourne Neighbourhood Plan ...
  • Gartree Prison Appeal Inquiry: Core Documents Section A: Planning Application Documents

    Section A (Planning Application Documents) of the Core Documents for the planning appeal at Land to the South of HMP Gartree ...
  • Husbands Bosworth Neighbourhood Plan

    Husbands Bosworth Neighbourhood Plan ...
  • Misterton with Walcote

    Misterton with Walcote Neighbourhood Plan ...
  • Billesdon Neighbourhood Plan

    Billesdon Neighbourhood Plan Documents ...
  • Great Glen Neighbourhood Plan
  • Billesdon Neighbourhood Plan
  • Scraptoft Neighbourhood Plan
  • The Kibworths Neighbourhood Plan (superseded)
  • Kibworths Neighbourhood Plan Review 2022

    Kibworth Neighbourhood Plan review documents ...
  • East Langton Neighbourhood Plan

    East Langton Neighbourhood Plan ...
  • Swinford Neighbourhood Plan

    Swinford Neighbourhood Plan ...
  • Brownfield Land Register
  • North Kilworth Neighbourhood Plan
  • Planning strategy and policy
  • Leire Neighbourhood Plan

    Leire Neighbourhood Plan ...
  • South Kilworth Neighbourhood Plan

    South Kilworth Neighbourhood Plan ...
  • Shearsby Neighbourhood Plan

    Shearsby Neighbourhood Plan ...
  • Great Easton Neighbourhood Plan

    Great Easton Neighbourhood Plan ...
  • Burton Overy Neighbourhood Plan

    Burton Overy Neighbourhood Plan ...
  • Information on the requirements for planning applications in the Harborough area
  • East Langton Neighbourhood Plan Review 2021

    East Langton Neighbourhood Plan Review 2021 ...
  • Arnesby Neighbourhood Plan

    Arnesby Neighbourhood Plan ...
  • Saddington Neighbourhood Plan

    Saddington Neighbourhood Plan ...
  • Gilmorton Neighbourhood Plan

    Gilmorton Neighbourhood Plan ...
  • Fleckney Neighbourhood Plan

    Fleckney Neighbourhood Plan ...
  • Great Bowden Neighbourhood Plan
  • Tur Langton Neighbourhood Plan

    Tur Langton Neighbourhood Plan ...
  • Lubenham Neighbourhood Plan
  • Hungarton Neighbourhood Plan

    Hungarton Neighbourhood Area Plan ...
  • Hallaton Neighbourhood Plan

    Hallaton Neighbourhood Plan ...
  • Foxton Neighbourhood Plan
  • Gartree Prison Appeal Inquiry

    A page dedicated to the planning appeal at Land to the South of HMP Gartree, Welland Avenue, Market Harborough. ...
  • Enforcing planning rules
  • Equality Analyses (Equality Impact Assessments)
  • Gartree Prison Appeal Inquiry: Core Documents Section H: National Planning Policy

    Section H (National Planning Policy) of the Core Documents for the planning appeal at Land to the South of HMP Gartree ...
  • Gartree Prison Appeal Inquiry: Core Documents Section I: Local Planning Policy and Guidance

    Section I (Local Planning Policy and Guidance) of the Core Documents for the planning appeal at Land to the South of HMP Gartree ...
  • Gartree Prison Appeal Inquiry: Core Documents Section A: Planning Application Documents

    Section A (Planning Application Documents) of the Core Documents for the planning appeal at Land to the South of HMP Gartree ...
  • Neighbourhood Planning toolkit

    Advice and guidance on creating a Neighbourhood Plan. ...
  • Planning
  • Neighbourhood Planning
  • Emergency planning
  • Planning Obligations SPD 2022
  • Planning information and advice
  • Local Plan - planning information
  • Planning applications - view and comment
  • Planning permission - make an application
  • Planning permission - guide to when it is needed
  • Planning Committee - speak at the meetings
  • Neighbourhood Planning Referendums
  • Planning Committee - meetings and papers
  • Information on the requirements for planning applications in the Harborough area
  • Material and non-material amendments

    Any changes to the approved planning permission will require our consent. Non-material amendments are changes we consider to be minor and that do not change ...
  • Change of lawful use of a property

    Under the planning system, all land and buildings have a designated lawful use, such as a lawful use as a home or a lawful use ...
  • Conservation Areas

    Information about conservation areas in Harborough and planning applications in these areas. ...
  • Neighbourhood Planning toolkit

    Advice and guidance on creating a Neighbourhood Plan. ...
  • Fees for our services

    Read the charges for the services we provide. ...
  • Supplementary Planning Document Schedule of Charges 2021/22

    This sets out the current costs to be used in the formula for calculating the Council’s costs of monitoring developer contributions and contributions required towards ...
  • How to get involved

    How to get involved in with Harborough District Council's local planning activities ...
  • Gartree Prison Appeal Inquiry: Core Document List

    A spreadsheet showing the core documents list for the planning appeal at Land to the South of HMP Gartree. ...
  • Council Cabinet

    The Executive is the main decision-making body within the council. It is chaired by the leader of the council. ...
  • Neighbourhood Plan Event 2024

    Neighbourhood Planning Event 2024 presentation and information ...
  • About Section 106 (S106)

    Section 106 (S106) is a specific type of funding which can be used to develop and/or improve community facilities and various open spaces. This funding ...
  • Gartree Prison Appeal Inquiry: Core Documents Section J: Other

    Section J 'Other' of the Core Documents for the planning appeal at Land to the South of HMP Gartree ...
  • Shearsby Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan, 2022

    The Shearsby Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan outlines the special architectural and historical characteristics unique to Shearsby that give rise to its designation as ...
  • Gartree Prison Appeal Inquiry: Core Documents Section B: Consultation Responses

    Section B (Consultation Responses) of the Core Documents for the planning appeal at Land to the South of HMP Gartree ...
  • Stage 4: Decisions on planning applications

    A decision on your planning application will not be made until the consultation/publicity period has expired Who makes the decision? Decisions on most planning applications are made ...
  • 2020 Equality Impact Assessments

    January Development Management Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Equality Analysis (PDF, 150 KB) June Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document Equality Analysis (PDF, 175 KB) September Planning Application Local Variation List Equality ...
  • Gartree Prison Appeal Inquiry: Core Documents Section C: Appeal Documents

    Section C (Appeal Documents) of the Core Documents for the planning appeal at Land to the South of HMP Gartree ...
  • Planning Committee Meeting Process

    Planning Committee meetings use the following process: The Planning Committee agenda papers are published online 5 working days before the planning committee meeting; A Supplementary Information List ...
  • Council meetings

    Watch council meetings online, view meetings calendar and agenda plus other relevant information. ...
  • Gartree Prison Appeal Inquiry: Core Documents Section K: Documents Submitted during the Inquiry

    Section K (Documents Submitted during the Inquiry) of the Core Documents for the planning appeal at Land to the South of HMP Gartree ...
  • Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA), 2021

    A 'Call for Sites' was held in June 2021, and the assessment of sites followed. Planning Policy Officers considered a range of proposed uses ...
  • Gartree Prison Appeal Inquiry: Core Documents Section G: GA Proofs of Evidence and Documents Submitted Prior to the Inquiry

    Section G (GA Proofs of Evidence and Documents Submitted Prior to the Inquiry) of the Core Documents for the planning appeal at Land to the ...
  • Gartree Prison Appeal Inquiry: Core Documents Section F: LPA Proofs of Evidence and Documents Submitted Prior to the Inquiry

    Section F (LPA Proofs of Evidence and Documents Submitted Prior to the Inquiry) of the Core Documents for the planning appeal at Land to the ...
  • Using the search on the website

    There are some simple things you can do to make the searches you carry out on our website return more useful information. When entering your ...
  • Gartree Prison Appeal Inquiry: Core Documents Section E: Appellant Proofs of Evidence and Documents Submitted Prior to the Inquiry

    Section E 'Appellant Proofs of Evidence and Documents Submitted Prior to the Inquiry' of the Core Documents for the planning appeal at Land to the ...
  • Lawful Development Certificates

    If you ask us to confirm that your proposal does not require Planning Permission, we can only do so on an informal basis and our ...
  • Neighbourhood Planning Event 18 May 2024

    Neighbourhood Planning in Harborough District Parish Councils and Neighbourhodo Forums joined District Council officers and Elected Members for an event where to discuss neighbourhood planning in Harborough District. Neighbourhood Planning is ...
  • Planning Committee Public Speaking

        The Council is committed to open government and public involvement in the planning process. You can address the Planning Committee for up to 3 minutes ...
  • Claire Garbett – Enforcement Officer

    Claire already works for Harborough District Council in the Planning Enforcement team. She will be commencing a formal qualification through the apprenticeship route in a ...
  • How can Harbrorough District Council help with Neighbourhood Plans?

    The role of Harborough District Council in Neighbourhood Planning Harborough District Council (HDC) is required to give you assistance and advice but it cannot control your ...
  • Brownfield Land Register

    Brownfield Land Register The Council has a duty to prepare, maintain and publish a Brownfield Land Register. This Register is a list of previously developed sites ...
  • Stage 5: After a planning decision

    My application has been refused-what can I do? If your application has been refused we advise that you should review the reason for refusal and consider ...
  • Vehicular accesses, highways and road adoption

    Dropped kerbs for vehicular access Dropped kerbs are sections of pavement with a lowered kerb, allowing drivers access to a private driveway. You may wish to ...
  • Stages of Neighbourhood Planning

    There are 5 key stages to neighbourhood planning. Defining the neighbourhood: town and parish councils are Qualifying Bodies, but parish meetings and community groups where no parish or ...
  • Stage 3: Application consideration

    Once an application has been validated and registered it will be allocated to a case officer who will assess the application.     Consultations on applications  Consultations on applications are carried out ...
  • Market Harborough Neighbourhood Forums

    As there is no Parish or Town Council in Market Harborough the residents and persons that live and work in the Town must set up ...
  • Permitted Development

    Some developments do not require an application for planning permission, in some cases that permission will be automatically granted providing the work meets certain limitations ...
  • Approved Neighbourhood Forums

    Approved Neighbourhood Forums The following Neighbourhood Forums have been approved:and designated. Saddington Parish Neighbourhood Forum (2021-2026) Saddington Parish Neighbourhood Forum (2021-2026) applied to be designated in July 2021. ...
  • Black bin

    Your black wheeled bin is for the following items: Non-recyclable waste Non-compostable waste Food waste Disposable nappies Domestic animal waste and bedding (limited amounts) Black plastics (ready meal trays, meat packaging ...
  • Stage 2: Applying for planning permission

    Once you have established whether or not you require planning permission and have used our pre-application advice service (if applicable), the next stage is to ...
  • What are SDAs ?

    This page contains information about strategic development proposals in the District.  These developments can include proposals for new housing and employment schemes.  Because of their scale, ...
  • Deputy Leader of the Council: Cllr Simon Galton

    Portfolio: Planning Building Control   Neighbourhood Plan  Local Plan   Development Management  Planning Enforcement  Heritage & Conservation  S106 Policy More information and contact details for Cllr Galton ...
  • Adopted Local Plan

    Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031 On Tuesday 30 April 2019, Harborough District Council resolved to adopt the Local Plan 2011-2031 at its Full Council Meeting. The Local Plan is the ...
  • Planning Committee Frequently-Asked Questions

    /*Add some spacing*/ .faq-section{ margin: 40px 0; position: relative; } /*Hide the paragraphs*/ .faq-section p{ display: ...
  • Buying solar panels and battery storage made easy

      Harborough District Council declared a climate emergency in 2019. The Council has committed to reducing its own emission to net zero, as far as practically ...
  • Neighbourhood Plan Reviews

    Reviewing a Neighbourhood Plan If your adopted Neighbourhood Plan is 3 to 5 years old, some of the policies may not worked as well as your community ...
  • External funding

    Available external funding opportunities and grants for communities: Funding opportunities on Active Together Harborough People Zone grant funding Leicestershire Police and Crime Commissioner affiliable funding Available funding for charities ...
  • Listed buildings

    A listed building is a building of special architectural or historical interest; this can also include structures such as walls, telephone boxes or statues. There ...
  • Neighbourhood Planning Referendums

    2024 Upcoming Referendums None currently 2023 Referendum Results View the result of the Kibworths Neighbourhood Plan Review Referendum held on 4 May 2023 View the result of the Dunton Bassett ...
  • Carrying out work on trees

    Trees in the Harborough district are owned and maintained by different organisations and individuals: Trees in some public spaces are maintained by Harborough District Council Trees on ...
  • New Local Plan

    Preparing a new Local Plan The Council needs to ensure its Local Plan remains up to date so it can positively manage built development and protect ...
  • Licence for a car boot sale

    Car boot sales require a licence if they are to be held within a 6 and two-third mile radius of the council's Market Hall, Northampton Road, ...
  • Scraptoft North SDA

    .faq-section{ margin: 40px 0; position: relative; } /*Hide the paragraphs*/ .faq-section p { display: none; ...
  • Blue-lidded bin

    Your blue-lidded bin is for recycling waste only. A full list of items which can be put in your blue-lidded bin is available online at ...
  • Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023

    On 31 March 2024, the pavement licensing provisions laid out in the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 introduced a permanent pavement licensing regime in England ...
  • How does the council propose to act on tackling climate change, or how it has already acted since the start of 2020, in the following areas?

    The council publishes its inventory of emissions annually, you can find it here. Transport We have installed electric charging points across the district and are actively looking ...
  • Advice for homeowners

    Householders are legally responsible for any household waste produced on their property. You could be fined if your waste ends up fly-tipped and you cannot show ...
  • Flood Recovery Support for Households and Businesses

    Flood Recovery Support The Community Recovery Grants, Council Tax Discount, Business Recovery Grants and Business Rates Relief schemes established by the Department for levelling Up, ...
  • Environmental and Climate Change

    Portfolio holder: Cllr Darren Woodiwiss Climate change  Green deal  Warm homes  Environmental health services  Environmental Services Including Waste, Street Cleansing & Grounds Maintenance  Licensing  Car Parking  Emergency Planning Lead  Pest Control  Contaminated Land & Air Strategy Health ...
  • Assessment outcomes - SHELAA 2021

    The Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) provides evidence on the potential supply of development land across Harborough District. It replaces the previous ...
  • Lutterworth East SDA

    .faq-section{ margin: 40px 0; position: relative; } /*Hide the paragraphs*/ .faq-section p { display: none; ...
  • Drains

    Public sewers in Harborough are the responsibility of either Anglian Water or Severn Trent Water – depending on their location. If you own the property ...
  • Frequently-Asked Questions

    What is 'self-build'? Self-build means you will be actively involved in acquiring land to build a home, designing and getting planning permission for this home, and ...
  • FAQs

    What is a Local Plan? Every planning authority must have a Local Plan that sets out what can be built and where building should take place ...
  • Coronavirus / Covid-19

    Coronavirus: The Secretary of State for Health & Social Care has given notice under Regulation 3(4) of the Health Service Control of Patient Information Regulations ...
  • Frequently Asked Questions

    What is the Call for Sites? The Call for Sites is an opportunity for landowners, developers, agents, and site promoters to submit sites, within or partially ...
  • About Call for Sites

    Harborough District Council’s Call for Sites will re-open during the Issues and Options (Regulation 18) public consultation, between 16 January to 27 February 2024.   The Call ...
  • Bin collections information

    All properties will receive an alternate weekly bin collection as follows: Green bin and blue-lidded bin collected one week Black bin collected the following week Wheeled bins must be ...
  • Pay online

    You can pay for the following items using the council's online payment system: Council Tax Business rates (Non Domestic Rates) Invoices/Sundry debtors (this includes payment of invoices for refuse ...
  • Where your money goes

    .cttable { background-color:#007280; }   Harborough District Council is responsible for collecting Council Tax for itself and the following authorities and organisations:   Leicestershire County ...
  • Frequently-Asked Questions

    li { margin:8px; } Will the Council cut the grass on Pinel Close, Machin Drive, Cordonnier Close and Geveze Way Open Spaces? No. ...
  • Personal information

    What is personal information? Personal information can be anything that identifies and relates to a living person. This can include information that when put together with ...
  • Advice for homeowners

    Report fly-tipping. Fly-tipping is illegal Whether it is just one bin bag, an old item of furniture or a truck load of rubbish, dumping waste on land ...
  • Noise

    Report a noise nuisance online The most common sources of noise pollution are: stereos / televisions loud music persistent dog barking parties and functions house intruder alarms construction and demolition including DIY noise ...
  • How we use personal information

    We only use what we need! Where we can, we’ll only collect and use personal information if we need it to: provide council services and anything we ...
  • What is a Local Connection?

    A local connection to join the housing register is: (a) They have normally resided in settled accommodation in the District for at least two years preceding ...
  • Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031 and the Examination Process

    Adpoted Local Plan On Tuesday 30 April 2019, the Council resolved to adopt the Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031. Details regarding submission of the Plan to the Secretary of State, ...
  • Support Available

    Visit the Invest in Harborough for an overview of the support available.   Leicestershire Business Advice Service The Leicestershire Business Advice Service is a fully-funded programme available to ...
  • Webinars, Events and Workshops for Businesses

      Click on the webinar title to find out more about the online event Webinar Description Date Time Photography for Business Online – DigitalBoost Webinar 25 November 2020 10am - 12:30pm Getting Started ...
  • UKSPF Go Business Grants

    Funding of up to £2k to help businesses grow Local grants have reopened for businesses in the Harborough district to help them prosper and grow. Do ...
  • SHELAA Methodology Note, April 2022

    Introduction The Strategic and Economic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) will provide evidence on the potential supply of housing and economic development land across Harborough District. ...
  • Land Contamination frequently asked questions

      What is contaminated land? Contaminated land is land where substances (the contamination) in or under the land make it actually (or potentially) hazardous to people’s health, ...
  • Parish Council elections

    Elections are held every 4 years for the 292 councillors who represent the 45 parish councils within the Harborough District.  Work of Parish Councils Parish Councils are ...
  • Empty properties

    Report an empty property We can investigate why a property is empty and offer the owner advice on how to bring it back into use. If you ...
  • Fireworks and bonfire safety advice

    Firework displays, whether private or public, should be enjoyable occasions. We want you to Celebrate Safely and if organisers take the necessary precautions, they should ...
  • Corporate Peer Challenge Report 2018

    At the request of Joint Chief Executives, Beverley Jolly and Norman Proudfoot, and the then-Leader of the Council, Councillor Neil Bannister, during March 2018 Harborough ...
  • Registering a food business

    You need to register your food business with us if you store, prepare, distribute or sell food on premises including restaurants, cafes, hotels, shops, canteens, ...
  • Information

    Advice for homeowners Householders are legally responsible for any household waste produced on their property. You could be fined if your waste ends up fly-tipped and you ...
  • Read Harborough District News

    Our regular newsletter is packed with the latest information about what is happening near you. Harborough District News is emailed regularly – with some occasional special ...
  • Contaminated land

    Contaminated Land falls into 2 categories. Land Affected by Contamination Most sites in the UK will fall into this category and will contain some amount of contamination from various sources such ...
  • Rural arts, creative, heritage and cultural grants 

    This grant scheme opened on 8 April 2024 to applications from businesses and organisations providing arts, creative, heritage and cultural activities for public participation in ...
  • Local land charge search

    Local land charge searches give information held by the council about a property. They are used by solicitors, buyers and mortgage lenders to reveal important ...
  • Flooding

    Sandbags      |      Weather Information and Warnings Councils, emergency services and the NHS work together to help people prepare for flooding – and to stay safe. It is also important ...
  • Managing your finances

    It is easy to be financially cocooned when in the Armed Forces, especially if you are living in service living accommodation, or service family accommodation.  Being ...
  • Harborough Rural Grant Scheme

    The Harborough Rural Grant Scheme will close for applications on Thursday 31 October 2024.  Eligible businesses located in rural areas of Harborough District (as identified in the ...
  • Payment options

    Online payments You can use the council's online payment system to pay for the following: Council Tax Business rates (Non Domestic Rates) Invoices/Sundry debtors - this includes payment of invoices for refuse ...
  • Harborough Local Plan 2011 to 2031 - Submission documents and evidence library

    On Tuesday 30 April 2019, the Council resolved to adopt the Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031. Documents submitted to the Secretary of State for examination and the local plan evidence ...
  • 2022 Community Safety News Archive

    National Stalking awareness week 25th  -  29th April 2022 We will be supporting the  Suzy Lamplugh Trust campaign online across our social media and digital channels on ...
  • Celebrating heritage and history of Harborough District

    Harborough is a district rich in history and heritage.  This is evident in the district’s buildings and spaces and through the stories of the people ...
  • Holding an event during Covid-19

    Guidance for Events   Updated March 2022 The guidance is expected to change on April 1st, and is therefore currently applicable to events up to 31st March ...
  • Elections 6th May 2021

    Elections for Leicestershire County Council ran in conjunction with elections for the Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicestershire on 6 May 2021. They were also combined with a ...