‘Grab bags’ issued to help in a crisis
Published Friday 3 June 2016Emergency ‘grab bags’ have been handed to the community to help in the event of a crisis – and more are available to those who request one.

The Leicestershire Resilience Partnership, which works with partners to prepare communities for emergencies or disasters, acquired the ‘grab bags’ after successfully bidding for funding from Harborough District Council’s Community Grant fund.
Parish councils, with written community emergency plans, were invited to The Symington Building in Market Harborough to collect their free bags and find out more about how to use them.
The ‘grab bags’ contain a wide range of items, including torches, a wind up radio, a megaphone, walkie-talkies, a first aid kit, and a number of other useful items. They are also on wheels so they are easily transportable.
The idea is that they can be accessed quickly in an emergency and equip local people with the tools they may need in a crisis.
Cllr Rosita Page, the District Council’s Portfolio Holder responsible for communities, said: “These grab bags could prove invaluable in an emergency. We are very pleased that we’ve been able to work with the Resilience Partnership to make them available to communities.”
The Council still has a few to give away to parish councils with emergency plans. To get one, or to find out more about creating your own community emergency plan contact Hayley Cawthorne via email at h.cawthorne@harborough.gov.uk
Pictured: Cllr Rosita Page (centre) with some of the parish representatives collecting their grab bags, and below the contents close-up

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