Councils build a stronger relationship after meeting of leaders

Published Wednesday 15 January 2025

The district council has strengthened its relationship with Lutterworth Town Council after a meeting of leaders.

Leader of Harborough District Council, Cllr Phil Knowles, Cllr Mark Graves, Cabinet lead for Finance Services and Chief Executive John Richardson met with Lutterworth Mayor and Town Cllr Rob Coleman and Cllr Richard Nunn Finance Chair for Lutterworth Council and committed to closer working on a range of projects and initiatives for the benefit of Lutterworth residents.

Harborough District Council proposes to make a contribution to Lutterworth Town Council for the reprovision of community allotments following the end of the town council’s lease at De Verdon Road a number of years ago and subsequent sale of the council land.

The council has also confirmed its intent to progress a range of land transfers, funding for a condition survey of the war memorial and support for use of S106 monies on the town council offices.

Cllr Phil Knowles, Leader of Harborough District Council, said: “I am continuing to meet with parish and town councils. It was great to have the opportunity to meet with members of Lutterworth Town Council to discuss important matters for residents.

“The relationship between the district and town councils haven’t always been strong in the past so I am pleased we have hit reset and that some long-standing issues have been addressed.

“Having a community focus has been our new mantra for Harborough District Council. We hope that other valued parish councils are beginning to see and feel the benefit.”

Mayor of Lutterworth, Cllr Rob Coleman, said: “The town council is committed to keep delivering new projects and initiatives for Lutterworth and working closely with Harborough District Council will help us achieve this.

“We have seen a real commitment in the last 12 months to work together better and we are pleased with the communication and progress made so far. The Town Square, the town offices and war memorial are all projects underway, but also now land transfers so we can have full control of the public assets in our town.”