Fairtrade flag flies high in Market Harborough

Published Wednesday 11 September 2024

Harborough District Council is marking the 30th anniversary of the Fairtrade movement in the UK by flying the Fairtrade community flag from its council offices.

Fairtrade Fortnight, a two-week campaign which is running from 9 – 22 September 2024, is a yearly event aimed at increasing the awareness of Fairtrade products and principles. 

Market Harborough, an official Fairtrade town, has an active Fairtrade community and volunteer-run website which features useful information, recipes, and an interactive map detailing businesses across the town who support Fairtrade. 

Harborough District Council has officially supported Fairtrade since 2006 with its last formal support through a Council report in 2022. All meetings hosted by the council use drink refreshments which are Fairtrade in origin.

Climate change and unpredictable weather is making it harder to grow crops such as bananas and coffee beans. Combined with unfair trading prices, communities growing these crops are being pushed to the brink.

A fair income for farmers and workers is vital, so they can keep farming and can afford to invest in adapting farming methods and technology to try and offset the challenges from worsening climate and economic crises. 

By making the small switch to buying Fairtrade we can support producers in protecting the future of some of our most-loved food and the planet. 

Anita Beer from Market Harborough Fairtrade Group said: “Think of a world without chocolate! Cocoa bean production is also under threat. Fairtrade chocolate bars with a Market Harborough wrapper will be on sale at the Farmers Market on October 3rd.  

“The Kilombero Fairtrade rice will also be available to buy. The Fairtrade premium enables the rice farmers to pay for their child's secondary education.

“Those are just two of our ongoing initiatives. Your ideas and ongoing support can help us do more. Thank you in advance. We can all help to 'Be the Change'.”

Cllr Darren Woodiwiss, Harborough District Council portfolio holder for Environmental and Climate Change said “By supporting Fairtrade we are taking proactive action to help hardworking farmers and producers across the globe obtain a fair price for their labours and help to provide stability for them, their families and their communities.
“I’m proud to live in a town with a forward-thinking community who care about the future of the world and want fair prices for all.”

Locally the Market Harborough Fairtrade Group is hosting a Fairtrade Coffee, Cakes and Lunch event on 14 September from 10am – 1pm at Market Harborough Methodist Church on Northampton Road.

The Fairtrade Foundation provides lots of information about Fairtrade and is running virtual events with farmers, that you can sign up to.