Flag to be raised to mark Armed Forces Day

Published Thursday 20 June 2024

Harborough District Council will raise a flag on Monday 24 June 2024 to show the district’s gratitude to the Armed Forces community.

The vice chairman of the council, Cllr Peter James, and other invited guests including veterans and representatives from service organisations, will attend a short ceremony in Church Square, Market Harborough, at 10.20am before the Armed Forces Day flag is raised on The Symington Building, the council offices. 

The occasion will mark the build-up to Armed Forces Day, which will take place on Saturday 29 June 2024.  

Armed Forces Day is an opportunity for the nation to show its support for the men and women who make up the Armed Forces community: from currently serving personnel to Service families, veterans and cadets. 

It also marks the culmination of a week of celebrations, beginning on Monday 24 June, when the public show their support and appreciation for the Armed Forces community. 

The flag will fly from the building all week up until and including Armed Forces Day. 

Everyone is welcome to attend the flag raising ceremony. 

For more information about Armed Forces Day visit: www.armedforcesday.org.uk