Air quality report shows significant improvements in Lutterworth

Published Tuesday 11 June 2024

Sustained reductions in air pollution in Lutterworth means the town’s status as an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) can now be revoked.

An AQMA for Market Street, High Street and Rugby Road was declared back in 2001 because the air quality standard for nitrogen dioxide was being exceeded. This led to the council implementing an Air Quality Action Plan to improve air quality and now following six years of compliance with the Air Quality Standard Cabinet has approved its revocation.

The 2023 Annual Status Report highlighted, between 2018 and 2023, the levels of nitrogen dioxide recorded were consistently below national targets.

Elaine Bird, Head of Regulatory Services at Harborough District Council, said: “Revoking an AQMA recognises substantial and sustained improvements to air quality and so I am delighted with the progress in Lutterworth. This does not mean however that air pollution is no longer of concern and work is ongoing across our district to ensure cleaner, safer air for all.”

Whilst the revocation of the AQMA would formally reflect that Air Quality Standards are now consistently being met, air pollution levels in the Lutterworth area will continue to be monitored.

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