Businesses invited to find out more about showground event

Published Friday 17 May 2024

The council will facilitate an opportunity for businesses to find out more about a Christian event that will be returning to Market Harborough in July.

The session follows confirmation from the showground in May that the Light and Life Church Convention will be held from Saturday 20 July to Friday 26 July 2024. 

Although the event will be on private land, with private event management, and no licenses or permissions are required to be applied for or granted by the council, the Leader of the Council, Cllr Phil Knowles, has invited businesses to attend a meeting to discuss any questions they may have in respect of this event. 

The council has also invited representatives from Leicestershire County Council, Leicestershire Police, Leicestershire Fire and Rescue, the event organisers and Market Harborough Showground. 

The meeting will be held on Thursday 6 June in the Council Chamber, The Symington Building, Adam & Eve Street. Attendees should arrive from 5.15pm for a 5.30pm start. 

Cllr Phil Knowles, Leader of Harborough District Council, said: “Despite this event being a private event, it’s important that local businesses have the opportunity to meet with the organisers and representatives from public agencies to find out more about the event, raise any questions they have and make preparations for the increase in numbers of people in the local area.” 

This invitation extends to one proprietor per business only.  

Businesses should email if they wish to attend. 

Enquiries about the Light and Life Church Convention should be referred to the showground at: