Be prepared for an emergency this September
Published Friday 2 September 2022#30days30waysUK campaign helps people to be better prepared for a wide range of risks and consequences.

Since 2015, Harborough District Council and other local partners have been involved in the #30days30waysUK campaign which helps people to be better prepared for a wide range of risks and consequences, such as flooding, fire and power cuts.
Throughout September, a daily theme is shared on social media through the hashtag #30days30waysUK, linking to information and trusted resources by partners across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, including Leicestershire Police and other emergency, health and public services.
#30days30waysUK aims to encourage residents to be prepared not scared, by being informed through community risk registers and signing up for warnings.
The campaign provides national and local resources and helps everyone to take action for themselves, their family and their neighbourhood.
This year, more than ever, in the wake of the Covid pandemic, and recent extreme weather, it’s important to continue to build resilience in our communities and prepare for any kind of emergency.
Chair of the local resilience forum, Chief Constable Rob Nixon, said: “The last two years have highlighted, more than ever, the importance of personal and community preparedness and resilience.
“No one is alone in an emergency. Emergency and public services will respond but there is a lot people can do to prepare for a crisis. This is about small and easy steps everyone can take for their health and safety and that of their family, friends and neighbours.”
Each day throughout September, partners will share activities and resources on social media through the hashtag #30Days30WaysUK.
Anyone can take part. There are activities for individuals, schools, and businesses.
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Sign up for daily emails and more information on the 30 days 30 ways website
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