Young people invited to share housing experiences

Published Tuesday 1 March 2022

Issues and barriers faced by young people trying to find housing in the Harborough district is the subject of a new survey launched this week.

Harborough District Council hopes the consultation – aimed at district residents aged between 16 and 34 – will help identify gaps or obstacles faced by young people trying to find suitable housing options locally.

HousingResponses received will help the Council understand the motivations and needs of young people seeking housing and will shape future work on in this area.

It will also feed into the Council’s Young Person Strategy, currently being developed for the same age group.

People are encouraged to have their say from 1 March 2022 to 31 March 2022 at

Cllr Simon Whelband, Harborough District Council’s Cabinet lead on housing, said: “We know there is a need for more single-person, one-bed accommodation and we also know that the average age for buying a house is now 34, but a better understanding of the wider needs of young people is crucial when we develop our future approach to affordable housing, affordable rentals, Help To Buy Schemes and other ways we can assist young people in their search for a home.”

Harborough District Council has an excellent record in providing affordable housing to help young people find a property within their budget, and in the last month, the Council and partners have unveiled a 100 per cent affordable housing development at Sturgis Road, Market Harborough, and work has begun on another affordable housing site in Tymecrosse Gardens, Market Harborough.