Exemplary support for local businesses continues
Published Friday 15 May 2020Harborough District Council has now shared out all of its allocated Government funding to local businesses – a total of over £19m – but is continuing to provide further grants which are needed.
Earlier this year, the Government announced a package of temporary and targeted measures to support businesses through the period of disruption caused by the spread of COVID-19.
Alongside other local authorities across Leicestershire; Harborough District Council has been working tirelessly to issue grants to eligible businesses as quickly as possible, and has now allocated 100 per cent of the Government money received to nearly 1,470 businesses.
However; the Council is continuing to help more local businesses that need support, from its own funds, with the Government promising to reimburse the Council as required.
Every week, the Government’s Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has been publishing a league table of the performance of all local authorities in distributing grants and, at the end of last week, Harborough District Council was listed as the fifth best performing Council, out of 314 councils in England, in getting grants to businesses.
Cllr Phil King, Leader of Harborough District Council, said: “This is a fantastic achievement; to be named in the top five Councils nationally, in allocating grants, is testament to the outstanding efforts of Council staff who have been working so hard to get these payments to local businesses which urgently need them at this critical time.”
More information for businesses can be found at www.harborough.gov.uk/coronavirus
Please keep reading or, if you haven’t already, sign up to the Council’s business e-newsletter at www.harborough.gov.uk/business-newsletter for latest updates.
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