Lutterworth East planning meeting to be held online

Published Wednesday 8 April 2020

The Lutterworth East planning application will be considered remotely – the first time Harborough District Council has conducted a committee meeting in this way.

In April 2020, the Government granted new powers to Councils to hold committee meetings remotely by video or telephone, during the coronavirus pandemic, having removed the legal requirement for local authorities to hold public meetings in person.

The virtual meeting will take place on Tuesday 21 April 2020 and be available to view online.

OnlineDetails of how speakers, councillors and other representatives, can access the meeting online – and how the public can view it as it happens – will follow once full details are confirmed.

Cllr Phil King, Leader of Harborough District Council, said: “Huge credit to the Council for enabling this to happen and putting the required technology in place so quickly in light of the current need for social distancing as people stay at home to protect the NHS and save lives. The Government has said it is critical that Councils continue to be in a position to make key decisions, while remaining open, transparent and accessible. Hosting the meeting remotely means this application can be considered in a timely way in line with normal planning procedures.”

Lutterworth East proposes to create 2,750 new homes, community facilities and employment space.

The 550-acre development is on land east of the town and the M1 would include over 100 hectares of green space, two new primary schools and employment space to create around 2,500 jobs.

The site is identified in the Harborough Local Plan as a key area to accommodate new housing in the District, known as Lutterworth East Strategic Development Area (SDA). Approximately 1,260 of the new homes are expected to be built by 2031 and the rest after 2031.

The scheme proposes:

  • A Community Park, playing fields, allotments, woodland, trees and hedgerows and new ecological habitats
  • Foot and cycle paths – connecting with Lutterworth town centre
  • 23 hectares of retail and business space - creating up to 2,500 jobs
  • Two new primary schools
  • Improvements to main roads and junctions to increase capacity, a new M1 bridge, a new spine road to help reduce town centre traffic
  • A community hub - with the potential for shops, restaurants, cafes, health centre and community hall

The application can be viewed online by searching for 19/00250/OUT on Harborough District Council’s planning online system at

Full details of how to view the planning meeting will be available on the Council’s website.

View the agenda online here