District Strategy Wins National Award
Published Friday 8 June 2018Harborough District Council’s cemetery and burial strategy has won a national award for Plan-Making.

On the evening of 6th June, Harborough District Council’s cemetery and burial strategy, together with partners Enzygo, received the Plan-Making award at the 2018 Planning magazine awards. The award received rapturous applause from those present, with the plan described as, ‘unique and courageous’ by the chairman of the judging panel.
The strategy was completed by Enzygo on behalf of the Council in late 2016 and adopted in 2017. Close liaison work with cemetery providers and community groups across the District resulted in an effective, realistic plan with extraordinary attention to detail. It has secured new cemetery and burial provision for the future, whilst also taking into account the needs of the District’s multi-faith community.
Councillor Phil King, Harborough District Council’s Executive member for Planning, Regeneration and Housing, said: “As portfolio holder, I congratulate everyone involved in this excellent piece of work which has been recognised by peers within the industry. A fantastic achievement. We seek to provide the best for the community and this strategy will meet burial and cremation needs for the next twenty years.”
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