Housing news

Council seeks views on new Housing Enforcement Policy and financial penalties
Published on Wednesday 8 February 2023Views are being sought for Harborough District Council’s approach to housing enforcement and the introduction of financial penalties for certain housing offences.
Affordable homes plan moves forward
Published on Monday 25 April 2022Land owned by the Council at Naseby Square in Market Harborough has now been sold for £1.4m to Platform Housing Group to amalgamate with their adjoining land and build 38 much needed affordable homes.
Young people invited to share housing experiences
Published on Tuesday 1 March 2022Issues and barriers faced by young people trying to find housing in the Harborough district is the subject of a new survey launched this week.
New housing scheme to help local people in need
Published on Monday 5 July 2021Local people who have lost their homes, or have nowhere to go, will be helped thanks to a new housing scheme.
Landlords’ Forum – join free virtual event
Published on Tuesday 13 April 2021Calling all landlords, letting agents and those with an interest in housing!
Positive way forward after flat concerns
Published on Monday 16 March 2020Harborough District Council and Platform Housing Group have met to discuss possible new measures to address ongoing concerns about criminal activity at Northbank flats, in Market Harborough.
Landlords’ Forum – register for free event
Published on Thursday 13 February 2020Calling all landlords, letting agents and those with an interest in housing!
Getting the best housing opportunities for residents
Published on Friday 5 April 2019Creating the best housing opportunities for residents and tackling issues such as homelessness and rough sleeping are the focus of a major new strategy.
Innovative ways to meet housing need
Published on Friday 31 August 2018The District Council is teaming up with specialist housing advisors to find innovative ways to meet local housing needs.
Private landlords sought to help home refugees
Published on Wednesday 13 June 2018Harborough District Council is looking to work with private landlords to potentially provide another home to refugees fleeing war-torn conditions in Syria.
Newlyweds first to snap up new council-built homes
Published on Monday 6 November 2017The first couple to move into new council-built homes in the Harborough district say they are ‘delighted’.
Bid to bring empty houses back into use
Published on Wednesday 28 June 2017Empty properties could be brought back into use for residents under proposals to change council tax levies on them.
Private landlords sought to help home Syrian refugees
Published on Friday 7 April 2017Harborough District Council is working with private landlords who wish to offer a new home to Syrian Refugees.
Rough sleepers – support and guidance
Published on Friday 31 March 2017It is always unfortunate when someone resorts to sleeping rough on the streets. This may be for many different reasons and not everyone who is on the streets is necessarily homeless.
Views sought on who should get social housing
Published on Thursday 1 December 2016Views are being sought on who should be eligible for social housing in the Harborough district.
Workshop helps parishes secure community funding
Published on Tuesday 20 September 2016Benefiting from community contributions, provided by developers when new housing is built, was the focus of a workshop for parish councils.
County scheme welcomes first Syrian refugees
Published on Monday 5 September 2016Leicestershire has welcomed the first Syrian refugees to be housed in the county as part of a government relocation scheme.
Landlords offered expert advice at free event
Published on Friday 12 August 2016In collaboration with the National Landlords Association (NLA), Harborough District Council is inviting local landlords to a free forum offering advice about new legislation and other relevant issues.
Free event offering advice for home buyers
Published on Monday 12 January 2015Help to Buy Midlands has teamed up with the housing services team at Harborough District Council to organise a drop-in advice event for aspiring home owners.
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