Latest updates
Get the latest updates from the Council: waste collections updates, weather warnings, community funds, grants for businesses and residents.
Appointment of Independent Persons
Local district councils are looking to appoint a number of ‘Independent Persons’ to support them in promoting and maintaining high standards of conduct amongst their elected members.
Flood prevention and recovery advice
For more information about flood prevention and recovery, please visit our flooding page at:
Flooding information
Find out how to sign up to flood alerts, prepare for a flood and/or report a flood.
Jobs and careers
See the current vacancies with the Council and apply for your next job online.
Cost of living help
Information and links to agencies, which may be able to help if you need further support.
Garden waste
Find out more information about the service and subscribe for Garden waste collections online.
Residents' newsletter
Sign up to our Residents' newsletter to receive service updates and local news.
Upcoming Council meetings
View a list of current meetings and how to watch them online.
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