A funeral director will usually contact us and make arrangements for buying a grave. You can make your own arrangements by contacting us at and we will help you to make an informed choice from the options available.
Burials can take place on any week day - except on bank holidays. Please talk to your funeral director to discuss your specific needs. test
Our adopted Cemetery regulations govern how the cemeteries are managed and what is permitted in relation to grave spaces within them.
Un-purchased Graves
An un-purchased grave, sometimes known as a public or common grave, is where the exclusive right of burial has not been purchased so the council has total control of the grave and will decide who is buried in the grave.
Purchased Graves
A purchased grave is where the right of burial is bought for a set period of time. The owner of the right of burial can decide who will be buried in the grave, and memorials are allowed.
The Exclusive Right of Burial is a form of lease that may be purchased for any of the grave spaces available in any of the cemeteries we manage (but only at the time of interment). It grants the holder of the deed exclusive rights to the plot for 100 years. Please note that you cannot purchase the exclusive right of burial for a grave space in advance (in reserve).