Community Grant Fund

Who can apply for the Community Grant Fund?

Applications for the Community Grant Fund can be submitted by: 

  • Town/Parish Councils or a constituted Parish Meeting. 
  • Any constituted community/voluntary group who hold a bank account in the name of the organisation and have at least three years of accounts. 

All applications outside of Market Harborough need to be submitted or supported by the Parish Council or Parish Meeting.  This is to ensure that projects are meeting needs identified across the community and that a range of groups have an opportunity to apply. A separate application will need to be completed for each separate project that is being submitted.

The funding can only go to groups that are constituted and have held a bank account in the name of the group for three years – this relates to the group delivering the project.  Although many Parish Meetings will not meet these criteria, they can support an application on behalf of another group who does meet the criteria.

Outside Market Harborough, where the funding is for a community group other than the Parish Council or Parish Meeting, the group will need to obtain a letter of support from the Parish Council or Meeting before submitting an application form.

The contract for delivery will be directly with the group that will be delivering the project, which may be a Parish Council or Meeting or a different group. The Grant is for capital funding only and can be used to support other grants offered by the council, such as Section 106.  Parishes/Towns can work together to submit a joint application, if preferred.

More than one application can be submitted subject to applications not exceeding the allocated grant amount for that parish or town.  Grants must be spent within one year of receipt, unless agreement is given by the Council, to extend the spend-period. Any non-spent money must be returned to the Council.

All applications will be scheduled in for the next appropriate Cabinet Sub-Committee for Grants meeting.

Grant rounds

  • Opens on 19 August 2024, closes on 20 October 2024 
  • Opens on 25 November 2024, closes on 16 February 2025
  • Opens 24 March 2025, closes on 25 May 2025
  • Opens 30 June 2025, closes on 24 August 2025

Cabinet Sub-committee Grants dates

The dates for the meetings to consider the Community Grant Fund are below:-

  • 19th November 2024
  • 18th March 2025
  • 24th June 2025
  • 23rd September 2025