Community Safety News & Campaigns
2021 Community Safety News Archive
National Anti Bullying week (8 – 12 November 2021)
Kindness is more important today than it has ever been. The isolation of the last year has underlined how little acts of consideration can break down barriers and brighten the lives of the people around us.
There is no doubt social media is a powerful tool, available at our fingertips. We are the first generation to use social media in the way we do, but it hasn't always been used for good. Trolling and online bullying is rife on various online platforms. Whether we use social media for personal or business purposes, we have come to accept trolling as part of being on these platforms.
The Anti Bullying Alliance (ABA) organise this campaign with the theme ‘One Kind Word’ being chosen for this year's Anti-Bullying Week.
More information to join in with this campaign can be found by visiting - or a parents/carers pack can be found at For Parents and Carers (
Alcohol Awareness Week (15-21 November 2021)
Alcohol Awareness Week is a chance for the UK to get thinking about drinking. It’s a week of awareness-raising, campaigning for change, and more. The theme for Alcohol Awareness Week 2021 is ‘Alcohol and relationships’.
Alcohol and relationships are closely linked. Many of us associate alcohol with socialising, and alcohol can become a big part of our connections and interactions with those around us. But when our own or a loved one’s drinking starts to negatively affect our relationships, or stands in the way of us taking action on our own drinking, it can have a huge impact on our lives.
On top of this, research shows that many of us have found ourselves drinking more to deal with feelings of loneliness and isolation during the pandemic. As we leave lockdown and return to normal life there will be new pressures too – pressures to drink, 'sober shaming', and pressures we put on ourselves to get back to ‘normal’ socialising.
Sign up to do something positive or to find help and support if you are concerned about your own/a loved one's alcohol use at or call our local service providers
Road Safety Awareness Week - 16-21 November 2021
Road safety and speeding, more specifically, are always key concerns when the Community Safety Partnership ask what priorities should feature in our plan.
Road Safety Awareness Week allows communities/interest groups to work together to raise awareness of any road safety concerns you may have. It could be that you are a parent/governor/student at a local school where more could be done to reduce the 30 minutes of parking and safety in your locality.
Road safety charity Brake runs this awareness week to encourages communities to get involved with this important work more details can be found at
Another initiative you could think about is running a Community Speed Watch.
Community Speed Watch is an educational scheme to help people reduce speeding traffic though their community. The scheme enables volunteers to work with police, county council, and within their community, to raise awareness of the dangers of speeding and to help control the problem locally.
Community Speed Watch incorporates poster campaigns and a pledge system, linked to direct action using speed detection equipment, all under the supervision of the County Council. The use of the radar devices will not lead to prosecution but drivers will get a letter from the police instead.
To find out more about the scheme, you can register your interest with the Community Speed Watch co-ordinator on 0116 3057233 or visit
Our other partnership campaign is FATAL Four. The Fire Service take the lead on this project highlighting the four biggest factors likely to cause an accident. These are excessive speed, distractions (such as mobile phones), being under the influence of drink or drugs, and failing to wear a seat belt.
Find out more about this hard-hitting campaign at
White Ribbon Day (25th November 21)
On White Ribbon Day Thursday 25 November, and the 16 days to end violence against women that follow, we are asking people in their communities, organisations and workplaces, to come together, and say ‘no’ to violence against women.
During the week we are able to get the message out that men’s violence against women and girls must end. The #AllMenCan is our leading message this year and highlights te importance that all men can make a difference. It was developed in March when the murder of Sarah Everard brought women’s experience of men’s violence to the forefront of everyone’s minds.
It also opened up so many conversations about men taking action and making a stand. As we move towards the end of the year we want as many men as possible to think carefully and make the White Ribbon Promise to never commit, excuse or remain silent about male violence against women.
To take part and sign your pledge to the promise, visit
Police Beat Newsletters
Please see the latest police beat newsletter for Lutterworth and for Harborough and the Bowdens.