Equality and diversity

We want to make sure all our staff and everyone we provide services for is treated with respect and dignity.

Read more about equality and diversity and the Equality Act 2010.

Information in different formats, translation and interpretation

To request documents in a different format, translation or interpretation services, please email: communications@harborough.gov.uk

We can provide an interpretation and translation service (both written and spoken) for people whose first language is not English. This can be for one-to-one interviews, meetings, or the translation of official papers and information.

For people with visual or hearing impairments we can provide information on audio tape or compact disc, in Braille or large print, or arrange for sign language translation.

We can give you a text document with less than 1,200 words in a different format within 5 working days. We can give you a text document with more than 1,200 words in a different format within 10 working days.

We have a dedicated phone line (called Language Line) for people to make interpreted telephone enquiries. Read a list of languages supported by Language Line.

Our community

The following documents provide information about people living in the District of Harborough:

Harborough District's population information (PDF download) contains statistics relating to the age, ethnic group, gender, health, sexual orientation, transgender status, religious belief and marital and civil partnership status of our community.

Leicester Shire Rutland Statistics and Research website provides access to date, maps, reports and other useful information about our community.

We complete reviews of our services to make sure that they meet our equality and diversity standards. View our  equality analyses for services.

We also work with the Leicestershire Multi Agency Traveller Unit and local Gypsy and Traveller communities to help promote good relations and resolve any issues which may arise between the travelling community and the settled community. 

Our staff

Every year we ask our staff to complete a voluntary Equality Monitoring Questionnaire and then produce a report comparing the results with information relating to the community we serve.  View the latest full workforce comparison report (PDF, 208KB).

Our Equality Plan

Our Equality Plan describes how we intend to continue to improve our encouragement of equality and good relationships and how we will carry on challenging discrimination and harassment over the next 3 years. View our Equality Plan.