Using the search on the website

There are some simple things you can do to make the searches you carry out on our website return more useful information. When entering your search words:

  • Use relevant, descriptive words
  • Keep the search words simple – if you are searching for a name, just enter the name
  • Search using the words that are most likely to appear in the page: if you want to find out about planning permission use the words 'planning permission'
  • Check you have spelt words and names correctly
  • Use double quotes around a set of words to search for them in that exact order, for example "planning permission"

Search specific parts of our website

You can filter your search results to just see results from specific parts of our website. The filter options appear when your search results are displayed. Select one of the filter options to see results from just that part of the website. For example, if you were searching for a house to rent you might search for 'houses' - you could then choose the filter option just to show the pages in the 'Harborough Homesearch' section of our website. This will remove all orther webpages that also include the word 'houses' (such as planning information) that is not what you are looking for.

Advanced search

You can use our advanced search to choose more options for your search.