Supporting Evidence
Harborough New Local Plan - Proposed Submission documents and evidence library
Please note some of the maps and documentation uploaded as part of the evidence for the New Local Plan do not meet all accessibility requirements. We are woking on providing accessible alternatives where possible.
Proposed Submission documents
- S-NLP 1: Harborough Local Plan 2020-2041
- S-NLP 2: Duty to Cooperate
- S-NLP 3: Policies Maps
- S-NLP 4: Harborough Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal
- S-NLP 5: Habitats Regulation Assessment
- S-NLP 6: Statement of Community Involvement
- S-NLP 7: Local Development Scheme (LDS)
- S-NLP 8: Equalites Impact Assessment 2025
- S-NLP 9: Annual Monitoring Report 22/23
- S-NLP 10: Regulation 18 Consultation Statement
Document categories
- Business and employment (EMP-NLP)
- Environment (EN-NLP)
- Green infrastructure and open space (GR-NLP)
- Heritage and community assets (HCF-NLP)
- Housing (HSG-NLP)
- Implementation and monitoring (IMP-NLP)
- Infrastructure (INF-NLP)
- Landscape (LAN-NLP)
- Local Plan preparation (PRE-NLP)
- People and places (PPL-NLP)
- Retailing (RTL-NLP)
- Transport (TRP-NLP)
Business & Employment
- EMP-NLP 1: Warehousing and Logistics in Leicester and Leicestershire: Managing growth and change Study (amended March 2022)
- EMP-NLP 2: Harborough Local Housing & Employment Land Evidence
- EMP-NLP 3: Strategic B8 Needs Sensitivity Report
- EN-NLP 1: Issues and Options Sustainability Appraisal
- EN-NLP 2: Air Quality Report
- EN-NLP 3: Climate Change and Renewable Energy Study
- EN-NLP 4: Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Level 1
- EN-NLP 5: Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Level 2
- EN-NLP 6: Sequential and Exception Test
- ENP-NL 7: Water Cycle Study
- ENP-NL 8: Harborough Renewable Energy Study
Green Infrastructure & Open Spaces
- GR-NLP 1: Open Spaces Strategy 2021
- GR-NLP 2: Playing Pitch Strategy 2022
- GR-NLP 3: Provision for Open Space Sport and Recreation - Delivery Plan 2021
- GR-NLP 4: Green and Blue Infrastructure Study
Heritage and Community Assests
- HFC-NLP 1: Heritage Analysis of Local Plan Sites
- HSG-NLP 1: HENA Report June 2022
- HSG-NLP 2: Leicester & Leicestershire SHELAA Joint Methodology Paper, 2019
- HSG-NLP 3: Leicester & Leicestershire Authorities - Statement of Common Ground June 2022
- HSG-NLP 4: SHELAA Site Companion Guide 2024
- HSG-NLP 5: SHELAA Assessment Update 2024
- HSG-NLP 6: Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Site Assessment
- HSG-NLP 7: Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment
- INF-NLP 1: Infrastructure Delivery Plan
- INF-NLP 2: Local Plan Viability Report
- LAN-NLP 1: Area of Separation Study
- LAN-NLP 2: Green Wedge Assessment
- LAN-NLP 3: Landscape Character Assessment
- LAN-NLP 4: Landscape Sensitivity Assessment
New Local Plan Preparation
- PRE-NLP 1: Equality Impact Assessment 2025
- PRE-NLP 2: Issues and Options Consultation Document (Regulation 18)
- PRE-NLP 3: Site Selection Methodology Feb 2025
- PRE-NLP 4: Health Impact Assessment
- PRE-NLP 5: Local Plan Development Strategy
People & Places
- PPL-NLP 1: Settlement Hierarchy Assessment Jan 2025
- RTL-NLP 1: Retail Study 2025
- TRP-NLP 1: Harborough Strategic Transport Assessment
- TRP-NLP 2: South Leicestershire Joint Transport Assessment Stage 1
- TRP-NLP 3: Leicestershire Local Transport Plan