Strategic Development Areas (SDAs)
Scraptoft North SDA
Scraptoft North is a mixed development, consisting of housing and community facilities. It is identified as a Strategic Development Area (SDA) for around 1,200 houses and community facilities.
The site lies to the north of the village of Scraptoft and east of Leicester. View the site on Google maps.
The site for development includes the existing Scraptoft Golf Course.
Development of the site is being promoted by Parker Strategic Land.
The Harborough District Council Planning Committee will determine whether the application will be refused or approved.
A decision date can be expected for Autumn 2022.
Up to 1,200 dwellings, a primary school, neighbourhood centre, public open space and green space; sustainable drainage feature including ponds
The application can be viewed at the Council's website, under reference 19/00700/OUT or by following this link. There are no plans at present for a public exhibition.
You can make comments on the revised application later in 2022. Comments have to be in writing, directly through the Council’s website, by e-mail to or in writing to the Planning department at the council offices at:
Planning and Regeneration
Harborough District Council
The Symington Building
Adam and Eve Street
Market Harborough
Yes- a wide range of organisations will be consulted. These include ; Scraptoft Parish Council, Leicester City Council, Heritage England, Natural England, the Highways Authority, the Clinical Commissioning Group and Severn Trent Water.
The Local Plan designates the site for development. The plan has been the subject of extensive public consultation, including a public examination by an independent inspector. The Local Plan was adopted by the Council in April 2019.
The Strategic Growth Plan proposes that more development is built in major strategic developments. Scraptoft North falls within that overall aim and meets the overall aims of the Strategic Growth Plan. The site adjoins the built up area of Leicester, which is one of the preferred locations for new development.
Yes- there will be jobs created during the construction phase of the development, which will extend over a number of years. The local centre and school will also create a limited number of jobs.
The Council’s policy requires provision of affordable homes. The mix of types and sizes will be decided on a phase by phase basis.
Yes, this will establish the scope of any contamination on site, and any mitigation required. This is standard for many large-scale planning applications.
At present there are no housebuilders linked to the development. The application has been submitted by Parker Strategic Land (PSL) who are land promotors rather than house builders. This is a fairly typical situation with regards large development sites. If Planning Permission is granted for the development, PSL will then engage with house builders who will submit their own schemes for individual parcels of the site.
It is anticipated that the first houses will be completed in 2026.
It is expected that work will commence on site in 2025 and continue to the completion of the development in approximately 2035. There are a number of factors that can influence the speed that a development is built out and the completion date may be before or after the suggested date.
An application has been submitted for a replacement golf course on land at Houghton on the Hill, the planning application reference is 19/01850/OUT
The existing species on the site have been surveyed and the impact of the proposed development on their habitats assessed. Should planning permission be granted various forms of mitigation are proposed to offset any detrimental impact including enhancing retained hedge rows, tree planting and the creation of new ponds.
An archaeological investigation will be undertaken and a record made of any finds, a proposal will be prepared in the light of these findings for the future of the site which could include interpretation boards, retention of building outlines and the preservation of any finds.
If planning permission is granted the Local Nature Reserve will be de-declared and its species rich grassland will form part of The Commons a new park along the southern boundary of the site. The retained sections of the local nature reserve will have the habitats enhanced along with those adjoining.
The Local Plan requires the site to deliver a two-form entry primary school. The current proposals indicate that the school would be built on the green area located in the south west corner of the site between Hamilton Lane and New Romney Crescent. These proposals are currently the subject of a planning application which is under consideration by the Local Planning Authority: Harborough District Council