Local Plan Submission & Examination
Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031 and the Examination Process
Adopted Local Plan
On Tuesday 30 April 2019, the Council resolved to adopt the Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031.
Details regarding submission of the Plan to the Secretary of State, and the subsequent Examination process are outlined below.
Inspector's report
As an outcome of the examination into the soundness of the Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, the Council has received the report of final recommendations and its accompanying appendix of main modifications from Planning Inspector Jonathan Bore BA MRTPI DipUD. The report concludes that the Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031 provides an appropriate basis for the planning of the District.
On Thursday 25 April 2019, the Inspector's Report and the final version of the Plan were considered by the Council's Executive, which recommended to Full Council that the Local Plan should be adopted. At the Full Council meeting on Tuesday 30 April 2019, Council resolved to adopt the Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031.
Policies Map
View Final Policies Map
Modifications Consultation
This consultation has now closed.
Harborough District Council submitted the Harborough Proposed Submission Local Plan (2011 to 2031) (the Plan) to the Secretary of State in March 2018 for Examination. Examination Hearings were held by the Planning Inspector Jonathan Bore BA MRTPI DipUD in October 2018.
Following the Hearings, a number of Main Modifications were prepared at the request of the Planning Inspector. A Main Modification is an amendment which is considered necessary to make the Plan sound, and is required in order to address concerns raised by the Inspector or other representors during the examination process.
The Council prepared a schedule setting out the proposed Main Modifications considered necessary in order for the Local Plan to be found sound. This document, along with an updated Sustainability Appraisal Report and Habitats Regulations Assessment were published for public consultation from 12noon on Tuesday 15 January 2019 until 12noon on Tuesday 26 February 2019.
Responses to the modifications consultation can be viewed here. All responses received before the consultation closed at noon on 26 February 2019 have been sent to the Inspector. Responses will therefore be considered by the Inspector (not this Council) before he publishes his final report.
Consultation documents:
Schedule of Main Modifications
Sustainability Appraisal of Main Modifications
Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA)
Non consultation documents:
The modifications to the Policies Map reflect the Main Modifications, where relevant.
For completeness, the Council published the Schedule of Additional Modifications to the Local Plan (below). This Schedule was not subject to public consultation and was listed for information purposes only.
Schedule of Additional Modifications
A tracked changes version of the Local Plan was also made available. This shows both Main Modifications and Additional Modifications, but does not distinguish between them. This tracked changes version was for information purposes only and was not consulted on:
Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031 Modifications, January 2019
Hearing Sessions
As specified in the Examination Statement, Hearing Sessions were conducted during the first two weeks of October 2018, at the Council Chamber of Harborough District Council, The Symington Building, Adam & Eve Street, Market Harborough, Leicestershire, LE16 7AG.
- View the Programme and Agendas for the Hearing Sessions.
- Read the Matters and Issues (updated 24 Aug 2018) have been produced by the Inspector.
- The hearing sessions opening statement is available for download.
Written Statements
The following written statements were received in response to the Inspector's Matters & Issues:
Examination Documents
The following additional documents were submitted during the Examination:
EXAM1 - Matter 2 - HDC - Other HMA Review Policies
EXAM2 - Matter 2 - Turley - South Staffordshire Review Policy
EXAM3 - Matter 1 - HDC - Affordable Housing Trajectory
EXAM4 - Matter 2 - HDC - Housing Requirement Position Statement
EXAM5 - Matter 5 - Lichfields - Statements of Conformity with draft Policy BE2
EXAM6 - Matter 6 - HDC - SC1 - Audit of Services & Facilities
EXAM7 - Matter 6 - HDC - Proposed Modification to Policy GD2 with Explanatory Text Mods
EXAM7A - Matter 6 - Bidwells for Davidsons Developments Ltd - Comments on Draft GD2 Modifications
EXAM7B - Matter 6 - Armstrong Rigg for Manor Oak Homes - Comments on Draft GD2 Modifications
EXAM7C - Matter 6 - Bruton Knowles for the Bowden Settlement - Comments on Draft GD2 Modifications
EXAM7E - Matter 6 - Savills for Taylor Wimpey - Comments on Draft GD2 Modifications
EXAM7F - Matter 6 - Gladman Developments - Comments on Draft GD2 Modification
EXAM7G - Matter 6 - Define for Bloor Homes - Comments on Draft GD2 Modifications
EXAM7H - Matter 6 - Sworders for Mr & Mrs Crane - Comments on Draft GD2 Modifications
EXAM8 - Matter 8 - HDC - SC1 - Public Consultation Document, Scraptoft Nature Reserve
EXAM9 - Matter 9 - Turley - LGS Position Statement
EXAM10A - Matter 8 L1 - Marrons - Village Connectivity Plan
EXAM10B - Matter 8 L1 - Lutterworth Connectivity Plan
EXAM11 - Matter 4 - HDC - Specialist Housing Trajectory
EXAM12 - Matter 6 - HDC - Settlement Population Figures
EXAM13 - Matter 5 - HDC - BE2 Additional Evidence
Inspector Correspondence
Correspondence between the Inspector and Harborough DIstrict Council was exchanged through the Programme Officer. For transparency and information purposes correspondence from the Inspector is published below:
IC1: Inspector's Initial Questions [PDF]
IC2: Clarification of Inspector's Initial Questions [PDF]
IC3: Council Responses to Inspector's Initial Questions 1 to 23 [PDF]
HSG14: Updated Housing Trajectory (31 March 2018) [PDF]
IC4: Council Responses to Inspector's Initial Questions 24 to 38 [PDF]
IC5: Inspector's Response to IC4 [PDF]
IC6: Inspector Question to the Council re Local Green Space [PDF]
IC7: Council's Response to IC5 [PDF]
IC8: Council's Response to IC6 [PDF]
The Inspector
Following the Council’s submission of the Harborough Local Plan 2011 to 2031 (the Plan) to the Secretary of State on 16 March 2018, Planning Inspector Jonathan Bore BA MRTPI DipUD was appointed to undertake an independent examination into the soundness of the Plan.
The Inspector’s task was to consider the soundness of the submitted Plan, based on the criteria set out in paragraph 182 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2012 (the Framework). The relevant soundness criteria are whether the Plan is:
1 - positively prepared (based on a strategy that seeks to meet objectively assessed development and infrastructure requirements, including unmet requirements from neighbouring authorities where it is reasonable to do so and consistent with achieving sustainable development);
2 - justified (the most appropriate strategy when considered against the reasonable alternatives, based on proportionate evidence);
3 - effective (the plan should be deliverable over its period and based on effective joint working on cross-boundary strategic priorities); and
4 - consistent with national policy (the plan should enable the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in the Framework).
The Inspector took into account the representations submitted upon the Proposed Submission Draft Plan as far as they relate to soundness considerations. A number of informal debates took place on the principal matters identified by the Inspector, at Hearing Sessions during the first two weeks of October 2018.
Following the closure of the Examination, the Inspector prepared a report to the Council with precise recommendations. The Council requested that these recommendations include any modifications to the Plan which the Inspector considers necessary.
Guidance Notes [PDF, 147Kb] were prepared by the Inspector to help people understand the process.
Submission to the Secretary of State
On Friday 16 March 2018, the Harborough Local Plan 2011 to 2031 and its supporting documents were submitted to the Secretary of State for Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government via the Planning Inspectorate. Submission of the Local Plan represents the start of the Examination process which will determine if the Council’s Local Plan is ‘sound’.
The Secretary of State, in accordance with Section 20 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended), has appointed an Inspector to conduct the examination. Further details are available on the dedicated Examination webpage which will be updated frequently as the Examination proceeds.
Details of the availability of the submitted documents and where they can be found is detailed in the Statement of Fact.
The submission documents for the Harborough Local Plan 2011 to 2031 include:
S1 Harborough Local Plan 2011 2031
S2 Duty to Cooperate Statement (March 2018)
S3 Submission Consultation Statement (March 2018)
S4 Schedule - Proposed Modifications
S6 Harborough Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal
S7 Habitat Regulations Assessment
S8 The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)
S9 The Local Development Scheme (LDS)
S10 Equalities Impact Assessment (EQIA)
S11 Authority Monitoring Report (AMR)
S12 PAS Soundness Self Assessment
S13 PAS Legal Compliance Self Assessment
S14 Reg 19 Consultation Representations Ordered by Rep ID
S15 Reg 19 Consultation Representations in Plan Order
S16 Reg 19 Representations - Submitted File Attachments
In addition, the Local Plan Evidence Base documents were also submitted and sent via the Planning Inspectorate to the Secretary of State.
To assist the Inspector, the Council has appointed an independent Programme Officer. They will act as the contact for any person who has an interest in the Examination and as a liaison between the Inspector, District Council and Representors. The Programme Officer works on behalf of the Inspector to organise and manage the administrative and procedural matters of the examination process. The Programme Officer will be in touch with all representors in due course with details of the arrangements for the Examination once these are known.
A summary of the Council’s current programme for the Local Plan is set out below:
16 March 2018 Submission to Secretary of State
October 2018 Examination Hearings
Details of the previous Draft Local Plan stages and consultations can be viewed here.
Evidence Base Documents
The preparation of the Harborough Local Plan, was informed by a number of documents that together form the 'Evidence Base'. These documents can be accessed here.