Apply for planning permission
Planning Applications
Planning permission is the formal permission from us for the development of land, property or any other building project.
Some projects may not require planning permission, but be aware that if you begin a project without legally obtaining planning permission and it turns out you DO need it this could result in enforcement action being taken, and you could end up with a fine and /or a criminal conviction.
If you are new to the planning process you should first establish if you need planning permission.
If you don't need planning permission you may still need building regulation consent.
If you would like advice before you submit a planning application you will need to apply for pre-application advice. You can also find some guidance in our Development Management Supplementary Planning Document.
Submitting an application
You can apply for planning permission yourself or you may chose an agent or other person to submit your application for you.
You can submit a planning application online using the Planning Portal, which guides you through your online application, offering help and guidance at each stage. You can also buy site location plans, upload supporting documents and pay fees online.
All application forms and guidance on completing forms are also available to download through the Planning Portal.
Please remember that when you apply for planning permission, the Council is under a statutory obligation to make the applicant's name and address available for public scrutiny. This will mean, in most cases, that your name and address will be available via the Council's website and be open to the world to view. This data cannot be restricted and will be kept in perpetuity.
What to submit with your application
All planning applications must be submitted with the correct documents. You can find out what you need to submit here
- When applying online you will be asked to attach your supporting documents. If this is not possible these can be provided afterwards by post or by email
- Please note that documents submitted via dropbox will not be accepted.
- Please be aware that we cannot accept any documents that are more than 10mb file size.
Further guidance on the types of documents and plans required
Whilst a full list of requirements is found here, for most applications the following documents must be submitted:
Application Form
- A completed, signed and dated application form. All application forms and guidance on completing forms are also available to download through the Planning Portal and more information on selecting forms can be found on our website here.
Ownership Certificate
- Completed, dated Ownership Certificate (A, B, C or D - as applicable) and Agricultural Land Declaration (if applicable)- these are found within the application form. Guidance on what certificate to sign can be found here.
Site Location Plan
- A location plan (usually an Ordnance Survey Plan) to an identified scale (1:1250 or 1:2500 are preferable). The application site needs to be enclosed in a red line and any other land in the vicinity that is owned by the applicant must be enclosed in a blue line. The plan must also show the direction of north. The Planning Portal offers links to several accredited suppliers where you can buy planning maps from.
Existing and Proposed Site or 'Block Plan'
- A site or 'block plan'. This is similar to a site location plan, it should be drawn to an identified scale (1:100, 1:200 or 1:500), the existing and proposed development should be drawn to scale in context to its surroundings.
Other Plans and Drawings
- You will need to submit other plans and drawings or information necessary to describe the subject of the application. For example for householder developments this should include existing and proposed floorplans, elevations and roof plans drawn to an identified scale (1:50 or 1:100) The level of additional plans depends on what your development is, you should consider whether the information provided is adequate to enable the planning officer, members of the public and consultees to understand your proposal fully.
Design and Access Statement
- A design and access statement is required if the application is for a major development, the development is for the provision of one or more houses or the provision of a building with a floor space of 100 square metres or more within a conservation area or World Heritage Site, or where the development relates to a Listed Building.
Fees for applications
A fee is required for most planning applications. When you submit an application we will double-check that you have paid the right fee. An application cannot proceed until the correct fee and all necessary supporting information has been received.
You can use an online calculator to work out the fee for your application or you can view a list of all fees for planning applications in England.
There are some types of planning application where no fee or a reduced fee applies, you can find out if you are eligible for an exemption or concession here. .
Once you know if and what you have to pay, there are four payment methods you can use. They are:
- Pay online (if applying via the Planning Portal ONLY)
- Pay online (applications made by email direct to the Planning Department, or made on paper forms ONLY)
- Pay by phone - 01858 828282 during office hours; please quote your planning application number and the application site address.
- Pay by cheque* - Development Management, Harborough District Council, The Symington Building, Adam and Eve Street, Market Harborough, Leicestershire, LE16 7AG. Write on the reverse what the payment is for, the Planning Portal reference number and a contact number. Please write your cheque clearly in capital letters, using a black ball-point pen.
Submitted applications – what happens next
Find out what happens to your submitted application and how a decision is made.
Find out who will make a decision on your application.
Checking the progress of a planning application
Documents and plans submitted with an application are normally entered onto our database within three working days of an application being registered. Information regarding the progress of a planning application such as important dates are then available to view on Planning Online. Alternatively, you can call the Case Officer for an update.
If you have any queries about making your application, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.
Making changes to your planning application
You can sometimes make changes to your planning application after it has been submitted, but major changes could lead to long delays. If you would like to make major changes, you should consider withdrawing your application and submitting a new one.
If you wish to make any changes to your application (however minor), you should contact your Case Officer who will be able to advise you on the best approach. Please note that any changes to your application may result in delays.
Making changes after permission has been granted
If you want to make any changes to approved plans, then you should contact us with the details before starting work, as any amendment to the approved scheme will require permission.
Minor changes (non-material) can be made by submitting an 'application for a non-material amendment to a planning permission'. We will consider whether the changes proposed are minor and therefore non-material to the approved planning permission. We aim to make a decision within 28 days.
If you wish to make significant changes to your planning permission you will have to apply for a further planning application.
Alternatively, if you want to vary or remove a condition attached to your planning permission you can submit a 'Removal or Variation of conditions' application. This can be submitted in relation to any condition, apart from the time limit conditions imposed on the commencement of the development, or submission of reserved matters on an outline permission. More information can be found here.
Independent planning advice
Planning Aid provides free and impartial advice on planning issues.