Gilmorton Neighbourhood Plan
Gilmorton Neighbourhood Plan
Gilmorton Submission Letter 22-01-21 (PDF, 88.95 KB)
Gilmorton Basic Condition Statement Final (PDF, 827.08 KB)
Gilmorton Consultation Statement Final Version (PDF, 632.47 KB)
Gilmorton Submission Neighbourhood Plan Final (PDF, 5.3 MB)
Validation of Gilmorton Neighbourhood Plan 25 1 21 (PDF, 87.79 KB)
Gilmorton NDP SEA Determination October 2019 (PDF, 1.04 MB)
Gilmorton NDP SEA Screening May 2018 (PDF, 1.18 MB)
Notice Designation of Gilmorton Neighbourhood Area (PDF, 187.41 KB)
Gilmorton NDA plan v2 Jan 2016 (PDF, 978.35 KB)
Gilmorton Eform representation return template (DOCX, 115.05 KB)
Gilmorton Response Form Web Version (PDF, 243.68 KB)
Gilmorton Summary of responses - redacted (PDF, 375.76 KB)
Examiner Initial Letter Gilmorton NDP sent 120721 (PDF, 121.55 KB)
Examiner Letter Seeking clarification of matters Gilmorton NDP sent 260721 (PDF, 136.84 KB)
21 08 08 Response to Examiner Letter QB and HDC (PDF, 152.28 KB)
Views Map V2 (PDF, 145.16 KB)
Gilmorton Archaeological Sites Map (PDF, 2.94 MB)
Turning the Plough Ridge and Furrow Map (PDF, 3.21 MB)
Gilmorton Transport Strategy _ ADC1660 B v2 (PDF, 7.35 MB)
Gilmorton NDP Report of Independent Examination 180821 (PDF, 793.71 KB)
Gilmorton NP Referendum V1 (PDF, 10.74 MB)
Gilmorton Basic Conditions Statement (PDF, 19.08 KB)
Gilmorton Town and Country Planning Background Information Statement (PDF, 124.97 KB)
Gilmorton NP Decision Statement (PDF, 199.91 KB)
Gilmorton Neighbourhood Plan Information Statement (PDF, 272.67 KB)
Gilmorton NHPR Timetable 20.1.22 (PDF, 9.42 KB)
Notice of Poll - Gilmorton 20 Jan 2022 (PDF, 106.15 KB)
Gilmorton NDP Final Decision Statement to make plan (PDF, 170.34 KB)