South Kilworth Neighbourhood Plan
South Kilworth Neighbourhood Plan
Appendix 1 Design Guide (PDF, 64.34 KB)
South Kilworth Consultation Statement (PDF, 386.19 KB)
South Kilworth Neighbourhood Area Plan (PDF, 276.63 KB)
Appendix 2 Environmental Inventory (XLSX, 19.56 KB)
pre submission comments South Kilworth 07 04 18 (PDF, 374.62 KB)
South Kilworth Basic Conditions Statement (PDF, 302.34 KB)
SK Draft Plan submission version 7 4 18 (PDF, 3.55 MB)
South Kilworth NDP SEA Screening May 2018 (PDF, 1.1 MB)
South Kilworth Response Form Web Version (PDF, 434.29 KB)
South Kilworth Printable Response Form for Venues (PDF, 159.6 KB)
South Kilworth Eform representation return template (DOCX, 117.23 KB)
South Kilworth NDP SEA Determination July 2018 (PDF, 1.45 MB)
redacted - South Kilworth Summary of responses Reg 16 August 2018 (PDF, 296.59 KB)
South Kilworth Examiner's Report (PDF, 315.01 KB)
Correspondence from Examiner, LPA and QB Oct 2018 (PDF, 403.81 KB)
HDC South Kilworth NP Decision Statement (PDF, 580.19 KB)
South Kilworth Basic Conditions Statement (PDF, 5.81 KB)
South Kilworth Neighbourhood Plan Information Statement (PDF, 424.2 KB)
Town and Country Planning Background Information Statement - South Kilworth (PDF, 295.69 KB)
SK_Referendum Version 25-11-18 (PDF, 3.33 MB)
SKNDP Final Decision Statement to make plan (PDF, 259.54 KB)