Regulatory: Licensing
Licensing documents; hairdressers byelaws, barbers byelaws, taxi licences, licensing policy statement, certificate of fitness.
Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licence (PDF, 154.28 KB)
Private Hire Vehicle Licence (PDF, 153.82 KB)
Personal Licence Checklist (DOCX, 44.69 KB)
Certificate of fitness (DOCX, 793.37 KB)
Statement of licensing policy (PDF, 441.01 KB)
HDC HMO amenity and space guidance Oct 2018 (PDF, 60.2 KB)
HDC HMO licence conditions Oct 2018 (PDF, 179.41 KB)
Approved GAMBLING ACT 2005 policy (PDF, 346.69 KB)
Byelaws for Acupuncture (PDF, 78.6 KB)
Byelaws for Ear Piercing and Electrolysis (PDF, 79.04 KB)
Byelaws for Hairdressers and Barbers (PDF, 75.63 KB)
Byelaws for Tattooing (PDF, 80.45 KB)