Leire Neighbourhood Plan
Leire Neighbourhood Plan
Leire NDA Plan 4 12 2017 (PDF, 505.17 KB)
Leire Designation DECISION NOTICE 4 12 2017 (PDF, 393.04 KB)
Leire NDP SEA Screening Sept 2020 v2 (PDF, 1.53 MB)
QB responses to complaints Feb 2021 (PDF, 121.29 KB)
Leire NDP SEA Determination Feb 2021 (PDF, 1.58 MB)
Validation of Leire Neighbourhood Planv2 17 3 21 (PDF, 129.79 KB)
Leire Neighbourhood Plan - Submission Version (PDF, 10.76 MB)
Leire Neighbourhood Plan - Basic Conditions Statement (PDF, 737.94 KB)
Leire Neighbourhood Plan - Consultation Statement (PDF, 2.62 MB)
Leire Neighbourhood Plan - Designated Map Area (PDF, 505.17 KB)
Leire Eform representation return template (DOCX, 111.6 KB)
Leire Response Form Web Version (PDF, 244.23 KB)
Leire Summary of responses v2 redacted (PDF, 1.45 MB)
GuidanceAndDirections 27 July 2021 (PDF, 80.07 KB)
Email to Examiner 29 July 2021 (PDF, 94.95 KB)
Emails from residents 9 Aug 2021 -redacted (PDF, 164.24 KB)
To Examiner re extension of time 18 8 2021 redacted web version (PDF, 168.25 KB)
GuidanceAndDirections2 (PDF, 64.1 KB)
To Examiner - response to questions of clarification - 23 8 2021 redacted web version (PDF, 1015.45 KB)
Summary of repsonses to Guidance and Directions2 13 9 2021 - redacted (PDF, 282.72 KB)
Formal complaint to Leire Parish Council 15 9 21 - redacted (PDF, 91.32 KB)
Resident email to Examiner 19 9 21 (PDF, 277.45 KB)
Resident email for Examiner 23 9 21 (PDF, 154.05 KB)
LeireNDP_FinalRpt (PDF, 315.38 KB)
Leire Basic Conditions Statement (PDF, 19.05 KB)
Leire Town and Country Planning Background Information Statement (PDF, 126.23 KB)
Leire NP Decision Statement (PDF, 212.42 KB)
Leire NHPR timetable (PDF, 9.35 KB)
Leire draft NP referendum version March 2022 (PDF, 10.76 MB)
Leire Neighbourhood Plan Information Statement (PDF, 211.71 KB)
Leire Neighbourhood Plan Area Notice Of Poll (PDF, 46.07 KB)
Notice of Poll Situation of Polling Station Notice Leire NPR (PDF, 46.07 KB)
Leire NDP Final Decision Statement to make plan (PDF, 172.57 KB)