Broughton Astley Neighbourhood Plan
Broughton Astley Neighbourhood Plan Adopted Plan.pdf (PDF, 22.48 MB)
The Big Plan for Broughton Astley - Consultation statement.pdf (PDF, 758.32 KB)
Basic Conditions Statement amended Nov 2013.pdf (PDF, 371.33 KB)
HDC_BANP__Decision_Statement_17_11_13.pdf (PDF, 242.63 KB)
Final Decision notice BANP Jan 2014 Final.pdf (PDF, 293.69 KB)
Broughton Astley Examiner's Report FINAL.pdf (PDF, 635.13 KB)
Town and Country Planning Background Information Statement.pdf (PDF, 166.07 KB)
Broughton Astley Neighbourhood Plan Information Statement.pdf (PDF, 85.89 KB)
Summary of BANP Responses 28 08 13.pdf (PDF, 92.9 KB)
SEA Screening Report - Broughton Astley Neighbourhood Plan April 2013 (PDF, 431.42 KB)