Husbands Bosworth Neighbourhood Plan
Husbands Bosworth Neighbourhood Plan
Husbands Bosworth Neighbourhood Area Plan.pdf (PDF, 243.35 KB)
Ltr d 10.04.17 from Husband Bosworth Parish Council.pdf (PDF, 38.65 KB)
Husbands Bosworth Designation DECISION NOTICE April 2017 (PDF, 307.08 KB)
Husbands Bosworth Neighbourhood Plan Submission Version July 2019 (PDF, 4.34 MB)
Appendix A HB Statement of Basic Conditions May 2019 (PDF, 3.26 MB)
Appendix B Consultation Statement (PDF, 2.74 MB)
Appendix E Husbands Bosworth NP (reg 14) SEA Screening 29 3 2019 (PDF, 1.37 MB)
appendix-10-husbands-bosworth-pre-submission-responses-final (PDF, 467.15 KB)
HB Response Form Eform (DOCX, 117.14 KB)
HB Response Form Web Version (1) (DOC, 128.5 KB)
Husbands Bosworth NP SEA Determination 13-6-2019 (PDF, 1.38 MB)
redacted - HB Summary of responses Reg 16 (PDF, 545.42 KB)
Husbands Bosworth Clarification Letter December 2019 (PDF, 113.12 KB)
Husbands Bosworth Examiner's Report (PDF, 451.12 KB)
HBPC NP - Qualifying Body response 202001131414 (DOCX, 38.76 KB)
Husbands Bosworth Basic Conditions Statement (PDF, 19.33 KB)
HB Town and Country Planning Background Information Statement (PDF, 125.82 KB)
HB NP Decision Statement (PDF, 425.25 KB)
Husbands_Bosworth_Neighbourhood__Plan_Referendum_version_June_2020 2.1 (PDF, 4.58 MB)
HB Neighbourhood Plan Information Statement (PDF, 215.72 KB)
HB NDP Final Decision Statement to make plan (PDF, 171.99 KB)