Misterton with Walcote
Misterton with Walcote Neighbourhood Plan
Misterton with Walcote Neighbourhood Area.pdf (PDF, 1.27 MB)
NDA letter Misterton - redacted.pdf (PDF, 12.13 KB)
Misterton with Walcote Designation DECISION NOTICE May 2017 (PDF, 305.12 KB)
M and W NDP SEA Screening Feb 2020 (PDF, 817.2 KB)
mw-np-submission-version-120620 (PDF, 1.5 MB)
MW Parish NP area (PDF, 260.7 KB)
MWNP consultation statement.final (PDF, 562.04 KB)
Misterton with Walcote Statement of Basic Conditions June 2020 (PDF, 281.64 KB)
MWW Response Form Web Version (PDF, 244.59 KB)
MWW Eform representation return template (DOCX, 111.83 KB)
MWW Printable Response Form for Venues (PDF, 124.95 KB)
M and W NDP SEA Determination July 2020 (PDF, 814.35 KB)
Redacted - Misterton with Walcote Summary of responses (PDF, 416.78 KB)
Examiner Initial Letter Misterton with Walcote NDP sent 211220 (PDF, 125.02 KB)
Examiner Letter Seeking clarification of matters Misterton with Walcote NDP sent 190121 (PDF, 81.84 KB)
Misterton with Walcote NDP Report of Independent Examination 250121 (PDF, 943.43 KB)
Response to clarification of matters Misterton with Walcote NDP sent 190121 (PDF, 126.34 KB)
MWW Basic Conditions Statement (PDF, 19.09 KB)
MWW Town and Country Planning Background Information Statement (PDF, 124.35 KB)
MWW Neighbourhood Plan Information Statement (PDF, 202.35 KB)
MWW NP Decision Statement (PDF, 513.97 KB)
MW NP referendum version 2 2 21 (PDF, 2.79 MB)
walcote-misterton-housing-needs-survey-analysis-report-nov-2018 (PDF, 1 MB)
appendix-7-local-green-space (PDF, 198.71 KB)
appendix-3a-census-data (PDF, 733.39 KB)
misterton-with-walcote-statement-of-basic-conditions-june-2020-(1) (PDF, 297.97 KB)
misterton-with-walcote-housing-needs-report-aug-2017 (PDF, 459.69 KB)
appendix-6-environmental-inventory (PDF, 604.79 KB)
appendix-8-historic-assets (PDF, 854.75 KB)
mwnp-consultation-statementfinal (PDF, 563.92 KB)
appendix-9-important-views (PDF, 1.86 MB)
MWW NDP Final Decision Statement to make plan (PDF, 170.47 KB)