Our policies, plans and strategies - Playing Pitch Strategy 2022

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Harborough District Council has prepared a review of the Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS) in 2022 to ensure that data remains up to date and relevant and meets the requirement of Sport England to review the strategy every 3 to 5 years.

The PPS follows the Sport England methodology set out in their Playing Pitch Strategy Guidance 2013. Its production has involved:

  • The local clubs and leagues;
  • Sport England;
  • The Football Association at both regional and county level (Leicestershire and Rutland County FA);
  • The England and Wales Cricket Board;
  • Leicestershire County Cricket Community team;
  • The Rugby Football Union;
  • England Hockey;
  • Rounders England; and
  • Harborough District Council.

Additionally, the sports of outdoor tennis, bowls and netball (outdoor) have been assessed in the report as these are considered to be active sports in the District. However, these are separate from the main PPS as they are not covered by Playing Pitch Strategy Guidance (2013) but by Assessing Needs and Opportunities Guidance (2014).

The objectives of the strategy are:

• To inform planning decisions.

• To provide evidence alignment for securing S106 obligations, and/or making provision for Playing Pitch or Playing Pitch grounds as part of future development sites.

• To co-ordinate facility investment by clubs and other stakeholders in partnership with the governing bodies of sport.

• To help secure external funding for the investment and improvement of outdoor sports facilities and to prioritise investment in Harborough District sites and other sites.

• To identify any deficiencies or surpluses in provision and options for dealing with them now and in the future taking into account the Local Plan housing allocations.

• To inform future decisions about the provision and funding of Playing Pitches and Playing Pitch facilities.


The Strategy was adopted by the Council in September 2023 and supersedes the Playing Pitch Strategy 2018.
