Neighbourhood Planning - Medbourne Neighbourhood Plan Review 2023 (minor)
Record details
Current Neighbourhood Plan Stage | Neighbourhood Plan 'made' |
Adopted Neighbourhood Plan |
Read the reviewed Medbourne Neighbourhood Plan 2023. Medbourne Neighbourhood Plan made on 4 July 2018 and reviewed with minor (non material) modifications in July 2023. Further information and the Medbourne Neighbourhood Plan evidence base can be found here |
Neighbourhood Plan Review |
Medbourne Parish Council and neighbourhood plan group undertook a review of the 'made' plan in 2022 and submitted the reviewed Plan to the Coucnil in June 2023. The Qualifying Body undertook the review and made what it considered to be minor (non material) amendments to the Plan to update factual changes, correct grammatical errors and references to external documents. There were not material changes to policies. After submission the District Council agree that the changes amount to nothing more than minor (non material ) modifications to the existing ‘made’ Medbourne Neighbourhood Plan The ‘made’ date for a Plan that has been subject to minor (non material) modifications will remain unchanged. However, the review date of the plan is shown in the Councils documentation for clarity. The policies of the reviewed Medbourne Neighbourhood Plan will have full weight in planning terms alongside those of the Local Plan. A Plan reviewed with minor (non material ) modifications will not immediately benefit from the protection that paragraph 14 (a) of the NPPF provides to ‘made’ Plans, unless the criteria are met, but becomes part of the development plan for the Neighbourhood Area. Any planning decisions will be made by the LPA using the development plan for the area unless material considerations indicate otherwise. Paragraph 14(a) sets out that the protection can apply where the neighbourhood plan became part of the development plan 5 years or less before the date on which the decision is made. This includes circumstances in which the neighbourhood plan is updated by way of making a material modification to the plan, (provided the relevant criteria continue to be met including that the neighbourhood plan contains policies and allocations that meet the identified housing requirement for the neighbourhood area). Read the Medbourne Neighbourhood Plan Review 2023 evidence base |
Approval of Neighbourhood Area |
Medbourne Parish Council, as the relevant body, applied for the designation of the Medbourne Neighbourhood Area. The application was published for a 6 week period ending on 13 April 2015 and was approved by the Portfolio Holder for Planning Services on 16 April 2015. View a map identifying the designated Medbourne Neighbourhood Area (PDF, 3.5MB). Regulation 14 Consultation The Pre- submission consultation run by the Qualyfying Body is taking place between 29 August and 10 October 2017. Details can be found here |