Our policies, plans and strategies - GR6 Harborough Playing Pitch Strategy 2018
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The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets out the Government's national planning policies for new development. The Framework aims to help secure the homes and jobs that the country needs while protecting and enhancing the natural and historic environment. The NPPF requires local assessments to be made of sport, recreation and open space, and key policies for both provision and protection of facilities and spaces. Harborough District Council has prepared the Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS) for the period up to 2031. This means the lifespan of the Strategy fits with that of the emerging Local Plan. Sport England recommends that the Playing Pitch Strategy is reviewed and updated every 3 to 5 years to ensure it is still relevant. The PPS follows the Sport England methodology set out in their Playing Pitch Strategy Guidance 2013. Its production has involved:
Additionally, the sports of outdoor tennis, bowls and netball have been assessed in the report as these are considered to be active sports in the District. However, these are separate from the main PPS as they are not covered by Sport England Guidance. A key driver for the production of the Strategy is to deliver an evidence base which can support the development of planning policy set out in the emerging Harborough Local Plan. The Strategy will also help the Council and its partners to:
The Strategy has two key objectives: Objective 1 - To protect the existing supply of playing pitch facilities, outdoor tennis courts and bowls greens, where they are needed for meeting current or future needs. Objective 2 - Secure tenure and access to sites for clubs through a range of solutions and partnership agreements and maximise community use of education sites where there is demand. |
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