Neighbourhood Planning - Hallaton Neighbourhood Plan
Record details
Current Neighbourhood Plan Stage | Neighbourhood Plan 'made' | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adopted Neighbourhood Plan |
Read the adopted Hallaton Neighbourhood Plan - Referendum Version View the Hallaton Neighbourhood Plan policy map 2021 Further information and the Hallaton Neighbourhood Plan evidence base can be found here |
Referendum |
ReferendumThe Hallaton Neighbourhood Plan Examiners Report was submitted to Cabinet on 12 April 2021 to consider all the recommended modifications and to consider and approve the date of the referendum. The Cabinet meeting approved all of the Examiners recommended modifications and set the referendum date as the 3 June 2021. The Decision Notice was issued on 22 April 2021. Read the Hallaton Neighbourhood Plan Examiners Report Read the representations received for Hallaton Regulation 16 Consultation. Read the Hallaton Neighbourhood Plan - Referendum Version (6.95MB) Read the Hallaton Decision Notice (334KB) Read the Hallaton Basic Conditions and Compliance Statement (5.78KB) Read the Hallaton Town and Country Planning Background Information Statement (206KB) Hallaton Neighbourhood Area Plan (124KB) The Hallaton Neighbourhood Plan Decision statement of the Local Planning Authority’s satisfaction that the referendum version Neighbourhood Plan meets the basic conditions specified by statute and complies with the provision made by or under Section 38A and 38B of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 The Town and Country Planning Statement sets out general information as to town and country planning including neighbourhood planning and the referendum Further information and the Hallaton Neighbourhood Plan evidence base can be found here |
Referendum Results |
The referendum held on 3 June 2021 met the requirements of the Localism Act 2011; it was held in the Parish of Hallaton and posed the question: 'Do you want Harborough District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Hallaton to help it decide planning applications in the Neighbourhood area?' The count took place on 3 June 2021 and greater than 50% of those who voted were in favour of the Plan being used to help decide planning applications in the plan area. The results of the referendum were:
Read the Final Decision Notice for the Hallaton Neighbourhood Plan |
Examination |
Regulation 14Regulation 14 Consultation was undertaken by the Qualifying Body between 2 Sept 2019 and 14 Oct 2019. Submission to Harborough District Council and ConsultationHallaton Parish Council as the Qualifying Body submitted the Hallaton Neighbourhood Plan on 27 November 2019. The Council has undertaken a validation check and the Plan was subject to a 6 week regulation 16 consultation from Wednesday 22 Jan 2020 ending on 4 March 2020. Read the submission documents here Hallaton Neighbourhood Plan Submission Version (5.86MB) Hallaton NDP Basic Conditions Statement (329KB) Hallaton NDP Consultation Statement (1.45MB) and appendices
Regulation 14 repsonses (1.1MB) Hallaton Neighbourhood Area Plan Further information and the Hallaton Neighbourhood Plan evidence base can be found hereRegulation 16 Consultation The redacted repsonses to the consultation can be found here Ms Ann Skippers has been appointed as the Examiner for Hallaton Neighboruhood Plan with the agreement of the Qualifying Body. All responses to the Regulation 16 consultation and other specified documents will be forwarded to the Independent Examiner. Screening for Strategic Environmental Assessment The Hallaton Plan has been sreened for the purposes of SEA. The screening report can be found here The statutory consultees have been contacted and responses have been received. In the light of those responses Harborough District Council will issue its determination whether a full SEA is required. HDC considers, and the statutory consultees agree, that there will not be substantial detrimental effects as a consequence of Hallaton NDP policies. The Council determination for SEA can be found here Questions from the ExaminerThe Examiner has provided a number of questions of clarification for the LPA and the Qualifying Body to respond to. The email and list of questions can be found below Email from Examiner 29 Sept 2020 Questions of Clarification from Examiner 29 Sept 20. Read the responses from the LPA and the Qualifying Body Examiners Report The examiners report was received form the Examiner on 18 February 2021. The report found that subject ot he receommended amendments the hallaton Plan met the Basic Conditions. The Examiner also receommended that the Hallaton NDP proeceed to referendum. |
Approval of Neighbourhood Area |
Hallaton Parish Council, as the relevant body, applied for the designation of the Hallaton Neighbourhood Area on 10th January 2017. The application for the Neighbourhood Area is the entire Parish of Hallaton. In accordance with Regulation 5A of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations the Local Authority must exercise their powers under section 61G of the 1990 Act to designate the specified area as a neighbourhood area. Harborough District Council confirmed the designation of Hallaton Neighbourhood Area on 27 January 2017. View a map identifying the Neighbourhood Area (PDF 470KB) |