Kibworth Air Quality Action Plan 2019-2031
From: 20/09/2018 To: 19/11/2018.
Views are being sought on an action plan to improve air quality in the Kibworths. This action plan has now been published, with proposals to install an automatic air quality monitor to gather daily data, carry out traffic surveys, explore junction improvements, provide regular air quality updates to residents, and other measures.
Generally the air quality in the Harborough district is good. However, monitoring in the Kibworths during 2016 found levels of nitrogen dioxide which exceeded the annual mean air quality objective along a small section of the A6 Leicester Road. As a result, an air quality management area was declared by Harborough District Council and an action plan devised, following feedback from the public.
The consultation includes two 'drop-in' sessions at Kibworth Grammar School Hall, School Rd, Kibworth Beauchamp, Leicester LE8 0EW on 24 October and 6 November from 10am-4pm. These sessions are an opportunity for members of the public to talk about the Kibworth Air Quality Action Plan directly with Council officers.