
Updating Harborough’s Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

From: 15/01/2018 To: 26/02/2018.

A key role of Harborough District Council is to decide whether or not to grant planning permissions for new housing. When making a decision the Council will take a number of issues into account. This may include the capacity of local schools or what parks or recreation grounds are in close proximity to serve the new residents. If additional funding or facilities are required to make the development acceptable in planning terms the Council will enter into a legal agreement with the house builder who will provide / contribute towards said facilities as part of any planning consent granted. 

Harborough District Council produced a guidance note called a Supplementary Planning Document in 2017 to advise and guide developers as to the contributions that are likely to be requested.

This SPD was prepared to confirm to developers, landowners and others, the range of infrastructure, services and facilities that Harborough District Council will normally seek to secure via planning obligations from the developer in relation to development proposals within the District.

The SPD sets out the range of infrastructure, services and facilities which the Council considers are directly and reasonably related to new development. If the aspirations of the community are to be satisfied, new developments will have to make full provision of facilities and infrastructure that will be required.

It is important that Harborough District Council is able to publish clear guidance on its approach to Planning obligations and  set out the basis for current practice. For this reason minor amendments have been made to the 2017 document.

We are therefore inviting feedback from the public on the amendments which principally are:

  • Revised approach to charging monitoring fees
  • The inclusion of the Council’s adopted formula for calculating affordable housing offsite contributions (ie. when the developer is not able to provide affordable housing within the proposed development and is required to make a financial contribution to provide affordable housing elsewhere in the District)
  • The revised sum for calculating community facilities contribution
  • A few minor amendments to the text and grammar to bring this document up to current norm

You can view the current Supplementary Planning Document here

View the proposed revisions in full here

You can make your comments via Survey Monkey

Please comment on the amendments highlighted above to the Supplementary Planning Document before the deadline of 5pm on Monday 26 February 2018.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your participation.