Proposed changes to Council Tax from 1st April 2018 relating to empty properties and unoccupied but furnished property/second homes
From: 27/06/2017 To: 20/08/2017.
This consultation is now closed.
Empty Homes
In 2015, the Council introduced an Empty Property Strategy which explains how we will address the issue of empty properties in the district. There is a large need and demand for housing in Harborough district and there are a number of empty properties which could otherwise be made available for sale or rent.
By producing an Empty Homes Strategy the Council can show that it has a targeted, effective and coordinated approach to tackling the problem of empty homes and that it has researched and identified the most effective solutions to meet local housing need.
Inline with some of the agreed actions within this strategy, the Council engaged with residents on proposed changes to Council Tax with effect from 1 April 2018, these are:
- Long term empty properties for more than 2 years, will be subject to an additional 50% premium on the council tax charged. This will result in a payment of 150% of council tax
- Properties under major and/or structural repairs have the discount of 50% removed (Class A Discount), resulting in 100% payment of council tax
Unoccupied but furnished property/Second Homes
Until 1 April 2013, councils had to apply a minimum of 10% discount for a furnished property which was nobody’s main home. With changes in Council Tax law councils are no longer obliged to grant any discount at all.
Harborough District Council has continued to apply a 10% discount on second homes but proposed, from 1 April 2018, to award no discount for an unoccupied but furnished property. Therefore, owners of a furnished second home or property that is nobody’s main residence could be liable for the full Council Tax (100%) from 1 April 2018.