
Budget consultation 2021/22

From: 20/01/2021 To: 01/02/2021.

Budget Proposals and Corporate Plan consultation 2021/22

Harborough District Council has prepared its proposed budget for 2021/22 and would like to hear your views.

Harborough District Council has set out its budget priorities for 2021/22 as it looks to address an annual budget gap of around £4million.

The £4million gap has resulted from the ever-increasing demand for services, reductions in Government grant, and unavoidable cost increases.

On top of this, the impact of the coronavirus pandemic has meant the Council has lost significant revenue and had to provide services in new and innovative ways, with a cost to the Council of approximately £2.3m. Whilst this cost has been partly met by direct government support, it still leaves a deficit to the Council of nearly £1million (£976k).

To address these challenges, in 2020 the Council launched Budget Challenge 2025 (BC25) which aims to ‘transform’ services, and ensuring that sufficient financial resources are allocated to key priority areas.

Savings have been, and are continuing to be, identified in all Council service areas. The Council will also look at opportunities to provide long-term income to boost financial sustainability and resilience.

Proposals have also been put forward to increase Harborough District Council’s share of the Council tax by £5 a year per Band D household in the Harborough district. This is currently the maximum amount permitted by Government.

The Council will continue with its Capital Programme, over the next four years, which will see investment in local projects totalling more than £12million.


This consultation closes on 1 February 2021.