Comments, compliments and complaints
Let us know if you have had a good or bad experience of our services, or if you have a comment about our services.
Make a comment, compliment or suggestion
You can make a comment, compliment or suggestion about our service.
Make a complaint
Make a complaint if you are not happy with any of the following:
- Our standards of service
- Our failure to do something that we had agreed to do
- The way you have been treated
You should first take the matter up with the team that provide the service. Let them know what you would like to be done to put things right. The staff will try their best to resolve the problem. If you have not had contact with a specific team at the council or do not know who to contact please complete our complaint form.
Formal complaints
If you are still unhappy 5 working days after you have made a complaint to the team that have provided the service then you can request that your complaint becomes a formal complaint.
Our Information and Complaints Officer deals with all formal complaints (Stage 1 and 2). If you contact our officer, they will ensure that your complaint is formally logged and passed to the relevant service manager who will aim to provide a written response within a period of 20 working days (Stage 1). If, after receiving this response, you remain disatisfied, you can ask that your complaint is reviewed by a more senior manager - this will usually be at Chief Executive Level (Stage 2). Again we aim to provide you with a full written response within a further 20 working day period.
Read our Corporate complaints procedure
Members code of conduct
If you'd like to submit a complaint against a Member alleging that they have breached the "Members code of conduct", please download and fill out the Word form below:
Complaining to the Local Government Ombudsman
You can make a complaint about a council service to the Local Government Ombudsman.
However, in most cases, we must have had a chance to resolve the complaint before they will consider it. You will usually need to complete all of the stages of our complaints process before they we will look at your complaint.
Privacy Notice:
The information you submit in relation to the processing of a complaint will be used for complaint or process monitoring purposes only. It may be necessary to circulate some details internally as part of providing any required response. Other details will not be shared without first seeking your consent. Any sharing of data whilst investigating your complaint, will be kept to an absolute minimum.