Local Land Charges

Local land charge search

Local land charge searches give information held by the council about a property. They are used by solicitors, buyers and mortgage lenders to reveal important information about a property prior to completion of a property transaction.

A search normally consists of 2 elements, a search of the Local Land Charges Register (using form LLC1) and a set of additional questions devised by the Law Society relating to information relevant to the property but not forming part of the land charges register (using form CON29).

Harborough joined the National Land Charges Register managed by HM Land Registry (HMLR) in April 2022 and that service now provides LLC1 search responses.   You can access HMLR searches via the new digital service through your portal account, Business Gateway and on GOV.UK.

Harborough District Council  continue to provide CON29 responses directly to customers on payment of the appropriate fee.  CON29 Search requests can be made via email landcharges@harborough.gov.uk or electronically (via either the NLIS Hub www.nlis.org.uk (National Land Information Service) TM Group www.tmgroup.co.uk or direct to HDC via the Council’s own online portal www.leicestershiresearches.co.uk

Complete your own searches

As an alternative to carrying out an official search undertaken by council staff, you can opt to carry out a personal search of the land charges register through the HMLR digital service. You can get answers to the questions contained in form CON29 by inspection of official registers and by use of access to information requests submitted under the Freedom of Information Act and Environmental Information Regulations. Read a guide to accessing planning and building information online (PDF, 1MB).

Requests for information and data required to answer CON29 search questions should be made to our Information Governance Team foi@harborough.gov.uk who will process your request for information under the Environmental Information Regulations. . Requests submitted directly to the Land Charges Team will be forwarded to the Information Governance Team for response.

Where CON29 information is already published online you will be advised how to access that information. You can also find useful information in our Publication Scheme.

Further information on local land charges and local authority searches is available on the LeicesterShire Land and Property Searches website, where you can also submit a local authority search request.

Local Land Charges* 2024/25

Searches of the Land Charges Register (form LLC1) are now provided by HM Land Registry.

Local Authority CON29 Search Fees 

CON29R HDC - Domestic

£205.20 (incl VAT)

CON29R HDC - Commercial

£262.80 (incl VAT)

Additional parcels of land fees

CON29 HDC   

£22.50 (incl VAT)

Additional Questions (CON29) fees

Question 4

£45 (incl VAT)

Question 5

£22.50 (incl VAT)

Question 6

£22.50 (incl VAT)

Question 7

£22.50 (Incl VAT)

Question 8

£45 (incl VAT)

Question 9

£22.50 (incl VAT)

Question 10

£22.50 (incl VAT)

Question 11

£22.50 (incl VAT)

Question 12

£22.50 (Incl VAT)

Question 13

£22.50 (incl VAT)

Question 14

£22.50 (incl VAT)

Question 15

£22.50 (incl VAT)

Question 16

£22.50 (incl VAT)

Question 17

£22.50 (incl VAT)

Question 18

£22.50 (incl VAT)

Question 19

£22.50 (incl VAT)

Question 20

£22.50 (incl VAT)

Question 21

£22.50 (incl VAT)

Question 22

£22.50 (incl VAT)

Administration Fee (CON29O questions only) 

£22.50 (incl VAT)

Expedited Search (check availability first with Land Charges Team)  £51 (incl VAT)

*Land Charges fees have been calculated on a cost recovery basis for those parts of the service for which we are allowed to charge (in line with legislation).

If you require further information about local authority searches or wish to submit a search request please contact our Land Charges team, email: landcharges@harborough.gov.uk or call 01858 821333