Cost of living help

We understand residents may be concerned about the rising cost of living so we have put together some information, and useful links to a range of different agencies, which may be able to help those needing further support.

Household Support Fund

You may be eligible for help with essential costs like energy bills and food if you are in receipt of benefits or on a low income. Please contact us if you believe you are eligible and wish to apply. Full details can be found on the Leicestershire Councty Council's website.

County-wide support

Help with cost of living and details of support for residents across Leicestershire are available on the Leicestershire County Council's dedicated page.

Support in the Harborough district

Links to organisations and government schemes which offer advice, support and urgent assistance to residents of the Harborough district can be accessed via the buttons and links below.

  • Funding updates

    Keep up to date with Government funding opportunities and payment dates.

  • Warm homes

    Find support to keep your home warm or if you’re struggling with energy bills.

  • Charities

    Find links to national and local organisations that offer help, advice and support.

  • Foodbanks

    Find local foodbanks in the Harborough District.

  • Priorities services register

    Check if you are eligible to join the Priorities Services Register.

  • Housing/ Homeless

    Find help with housing, including the housing register and those at risk of being homeless.