The Planning Process
Stage 1: Pre-application advice
We can provide you with advice before you submit a planning application. Whilst we do have some information on our website, our pre-application advice service can provide you with more detailed advice on whether planning permission or other consent may be required. If it is required we can advise whether it is likely to be approved.
This can often help resolve issues and make submitting a valid application easier, saving time and expense in the long run.
How to apply for pre-application advice?
- Complete the online pre-application advice application form
- Pay the pre-application advice fee (scroll down the page for pre-app advice fees)
Benefits of pre-application advice
- Greater certainty on whether you need to make an application
- Lower the chance of your application being invalid
- Help understanding how planning policies and other requirements affect your proposals
- Greater certainty of the outcome of a planning application
- A more efficient application process
What will the advice include?
- An indication of whether you need to apply for planning permission (or other consents)
- An indication of whether the proposal is likely to be acceptable in policy terms
- Identifying any residential amenity or design constraints
- Identifying other possible constraints eg environmental, flooding or highways
- Identifying what consultations may need to take place
- Identifying matters that may be covered by section 106 planning obligations
- Identifying any documents you need to submit with your planning application
If you would prefer a meeting you should request this when the pre-application advice is asked for, however we will decide if a meeting is necessary.
Our officers will ensure that any pre-application advice is robust, but please be aware that any advice they give is on a 'without prejudice' basis and cannot pre-empt consideration of a formal application. We may change our views on the merits of a proposal if there is a change in circumstances after pre-application advice has been given eg a change in Government policy, case law or a previously unidentified matter comes to light.
It is this Local Planning Authority (LPA) practice to treat pre-application enquiries confidentially and not make them publicly available. However, enquiries may be subject to request through freedom of information and environmental information regulations which the LPA must consider and where applicable release information.
Further advice requested after the Council has provided a response will be subject to an additional charge.
Information we do not provide as part of the advice:
- Detailed technical advice
- Drawing up of plans
- Designing the proposal for you
How long will it take to receive a response?
Once the required documents and fee is received we will acknowledge your request within 10 working days. The officer will aim to provide a response within 8 weeks for minor proposals and 13 weeks for major enquiries.
Minimum information you need to submit
- A site location plan scale 1:1250/1:2500 (site outlined in red)
- Proposed sketches of the proposal showing height and scale of development
- Photographs and Sketch drawings of site and surroundings (scale not necessary but measurements must be included)
- The fee or payment reference
We can provide advice on plans at any stage. This could simply be on whether a particular kind of development would be acceptable, or advice on more detailed plans. You should consider what level of advice would be most useful for you in preparing your application, you should also be aware that the more detail provided by you, the more detail the officer can provide in return. For example, if you do not submit plans/sketches of your proposal we will be unable to provide detailed advice on design matters.
Pre-application fees
We will decide which charge applies in the event of any dispute and will not consider a pre-application advice request until the correct fee has been paid.
For proposals in excess of 250 dwellings or 50,000sqm of commercial floorspace we now provide a bespoke pre-application service which will be tailored to the requirements of the individual submission. This service is also available for smaller schemes upon request and at the discretion of the Council. For further information on this service, please contact (asking for the Strategic Growth Manager).
Proposal | Residential | Commercial / Agricultural / Other | Fee (excluding VAT) | Total Fee (Including VAT) |
Strategic Proposal | 250+ dwellings | 50,000+sqm floorspace (GEA) | Planning Performance Agreement1 | |
Large-Scale Major | 50 - 249 dwellings | 20,000 - 50,000sqm floorspace (GEA) | £6,000 | £7,200 |
Major Proposal | 10 - 49 dwellings | 1,000 - 20,000sqm floorspace (GEA) | £3,000 | £3,600 |
Minor Proposal | 7 - 9 dwellings | 500 - 1,000sqm floorspace (GEA) | £1,000 | £1,200 |
3 - 6 dwellings | £700 | £840 | ||
Up to 2 dwellings | Up to 500sqm floorspace (GEA) | £300 | £360 | |
Householder | Alterations, extensions and erection of outbuildings (inc. annexes) to a residential dwelling and curtilage only | Not applicable for commercial properties or for changes of use. | £100 | £120 |
Small-scale Commercial | Not applicable | Alterations to existing buildings | £150 | £180 |
Change of Use of a building or land | Please note the change of use to a residential property will be considered as a minor, or major residential proposal as applicable. | £250 | £300 | |
Adverts | £75 | £90 |
1Contact LPA for further info
Other Fees
Additional and follow up advice following a pre-application response (not applicable to Householder pre-apps) | 10% of original fee or £75 whichever is the greater |
Planning application validation check | £78 (inc VAT) |
Planning History Search | £78 (inc VAT) |
Listed Building advice | Free2 3 |
Works entirely for Disabled access provision | Free |
Community proposals by local organisations or parish councils | 50% of relevant fee |
2not currently available – please seek independent heritage advice
3This may change depending upon amendments to Planning Application fees