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Flooding drop-in event
Join key agencies at a drop-in flooding information event in Great Glen on Wednesday, 2 April 2025 for your opportunity to:
- get advice on how to be prepared
- talk to key agencies including the Environment Agency and the Lead Local Flood Authority
- find out about the latest developments on flooding
- visit the FloodPod to see real life property flood resilience (PFR) measures
The event will take place from 2pm – 6pm in Great Glen Village Hall.
Visit for information and advice.
Have your say on the draft local plan for the Harborough District
People are invited to have their say in an eight-week consultation on the draft local plan for the Harborough District.
The draft local plan sets out Harborough District Council’s vision to support new homes, workspaces, and community facilities while preserving the district's rural character and rich heritage.
You can read the full draft local plan and share your feedback at:
The consultation will run until 9am on Tuesday 6 May 2025.
Temporary closure of some EV Charging Points for upgrades
Replacement 22kW electric vehicle chargers have been installed in Broughton Astley Orchard Road, Kibworth School Road, and Lutterworth Station Road.
All current charging points are unavailable in these areas and the replacement chargers are due to go live shortly.
Thank you for your understanding and we apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Lutterworth Car Park Closure
Works to Chapel Street Car Park in Lutterworth begin on Monday, 3 March 2025. During this time there will be limited parking spaces available. Works are estimated to last for 3 weeks.
Thank you for your understanding and we apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Flood prevention and recovery advice
For more information about flood prevention and recovery, please visit our flooding page at:
Flooding information
Find out how to sign up to flood alerts, prepare for a flood and/or report a flood.
Jobs and careers
See the current vacancies with the Council and apply for your next job online.
Cost of living help
Information and links to agencies, which may be able to help if you need further support.
Garden waste
Find out more information about the service and subscribe for Garden waste collections online.
Residents' newsletter
Sign up to our Residents' newsletter to receive service updates and local news.
Upcoming Council meetings
View a list of current meetings and how to watch them online.
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