Protect local buildings or land - The Community Right to Bid
The Community Right to Bid allows communities and parish councils to nominate buildings or land for listing (protection) as an asset of community value. An asset can be listed if its principal use furthers (or has recently furthered) their community's social well-being or social interests (which include cultural, sporting or recreational interests) and is likely to do so in the future.
This means that if it ever goes up for sale, you can ‘stop the clock’ for up to 6 months, giving you the opportunity to get together with your neighbours and raise the finances to bid to buy it.
Organisations that can nominate an asset of community value are:
- Constituted Community/Voluntary Group
- Parish/Town Council
- Neighbourhood Forum
- Un-constituted Community Group
- Industrial and Provident Society
- Community Interest Company
- Company Limited by Guarantee
- Charity
Read more information about the Community Right to Bid.
Read the legal documents for the Community Right to Bid:
Nominating a building or land for listing
Make a nomination for an Asset of Community Value (DOC, 153KB).
Read the new guidance on the Community Right to Bid and the application process.
List of assets nominated as an asset of community value
View and find Assets of Community Value in Harborough District using the interactive map
- View a summary of successful ACV listings including key dates (Feb 2025)
- View a summary of unsuccessful ACV listings including key dates (Feb 2025)
View the evidence provided for listing assets and the reasons for decision taken to list
Plans of Assets of Community Value
View plans of successful Assets of Community Value
View Plans of Unsuccessful Assets of Community Value
View Plans of expired Assets of Community Value
Decisions and Reviews
If a community organisation nominates land or buildings that meet the definition of an Asset of Community Value, and the nomination came from a group entitled to nominate, then we must include the asset on our list - it will remain on the list for at least 5 years.
If we decide that the nomination does not meet the criteria, then we will write to the group who nominated the asset and provide an explanation.
We will also keep a list of unsuccessful nominations for at least 5 years.
The District Council policy concerning consideration of Assets of Community Value can be found here
Landowners can ask us to review the inclusion of an asset on the list. If landowners are still unhappy with the review decision they may appeal to an independent body, called a First Tier Tribunal by email:
Compensation Claims
An asset owner may ask Harborough District Council for compensation if they believe they have suffered loss as a consequence of their asset being listed.
The District Council policy on considering a compensation claim can be found here
List of assets listed as successful or unsuccessful Assets of Community Value (CON29 form information)
View the CON29 forms details for successful and unsuccessful Assets of Community Value (PDF, 290KB).
The document details:
- If the property has been nominated as an asset of community value, and if so:
- If it is listed as an asset of community value
- If it is excluded and placed on the "nominated but not listed" list
- If the listing has expired
- If we are reviewing or proposing to review the listing
- If there are any subsisting appeals against the listing
- If the property is listed, and if so
- If we decided to apply to the Land Registry for an entry or cancellation of a restriction in respect of listed land affecting the propery
- If we received a notice of disposal
- If any community interest group requested to be treated as a bidder?